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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 28, 2009
Encinitas, CA
evisi0n is no longer a viable solution to jailbreak this iPhone. (The website and download capability has been removed).
Is there an alternative for jailbreaking?
Although my iPhone5 is new it is running a bit odd and I suspect iCleaner Pro would be helpful in getting it back on track.
I posted on Legacy jailbreak (with Reddit) and was provided a link to a website that allowed me to jailbreak this iPhone! Very pleased. I truly thought it was going to be a lost cause.
The website for those who may want it for themselves:

Kind of a walk through JB history. I came into jailbreaking with Absinthe (iOS 5.0).
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Kind of a walk through JB history. I came into jailbreaking with Absinthe (iOS 5.0).

That is pretty cool.... I came in on limera1n back on 4.... Thinking back now, I have always held off until the major tools dropped. I went right to Absinthe on 5, never touched PP tools, evasion, then onto Pangu and taig then Pangu again..... I'll stay on 9.0.2 until this phone no longer works.
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That is pretty cool.... I came in on limera1n back on 4.... Thinking back now, I have always held off until the major tools dropped. I went right to Absinthe on 5, never touched PP tools, evasion, then onto Pangu and taig then Pangu again..... I'll stay on 9.0.2 until this phone no longer works.
My first iPhone was a 3GS. I used it as a secondary phone because I was on Sprint and already had a primary at the time.

My sister gave it to me for Christmas. Carried around two phones for about nine months until I got my iPhone 5.

But my purpose was to use that 3GS to acclimate myself to iOS (I was coming from Windows Mobile) and shortly on - jailbreaking.

I did all the crap on that phone that we yell at newbies around here for doing. Must have restored it 7 or 8 times because of incompatible junk I installed. But I learned a lot. What to do, what not to do, and how to fix what I broke.

By the time I got my 5 and after five months of waiting for the iOS 6 jailbreak I was pretty good to go.
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I'm not stating I'll do it for long- going from a 6S on 9.3 beta4 to an iPhone5 on iOS6- but it is a pleasant diversion. Sure, there are apps I use, like Starbucks and Uber that are not compatible, yet is is kind of a nice break to go back. This iPhone5 is pretty slick and smooth (especially after running iCleaner).
More than just nostalgic, it is enjoyable.
My favorite is opening and reading iMessages. I like the way iOS6 looks and acts overall compared to iOS9.


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