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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 21, 2012
Okay it sounds like mobile substrate doesn't even work with iOS 8.3 yet but seeing as iOS 8.4 could be dropped anytime now should I just upgrade to iOS 8.3 (who knows when they will stop signing it) now or should I stay jailbroken on 8.1 and wait until the bugs are fixed before upgrading.
i would wait a bit, the 8.4 GM is not even out, so a public release would be at least a week from now.

Also there are some issues which tend te be resolved within a few days, meanwhile Saurik can update Cydia Substrate.

Remember that even after substrate is updated some tweaks will work out of the box, some won't.
Also Cydia Substrate not working is most probably not a Substrate thing but a TaiG kernel fix.

Better wait for the next TaiG 8.3 update to fix that.

from Saurik:
[Release] Taig has released iOS 8.3 untethered jailbreak! by viskelaer in jailbreak

No: Substrate fundamentally requires some kernel patches; the informal definition of failbreak is essentially "incapable of running Substrate". In fact, it seems like all that is needed to get Substrate working on iOS 8.3 would be a kernel patch in the TaiG jailbreak :/.

What's even more ir0n1c is that i0n1c is saying that the only thing wrong with Substrate can be fixed with a "2 byte kernel patch", and I believe him, which means it might have nothing at all to do with me ;P.
8.3 is locking up as soon as you try and open the notification centre, even with no tweaks installed at all, I'd wait, unlike me lol.
No idea, I've restored the phone and watch already. I'll wait a day or two before trying again.
8.3 is locking up as soon as you try and open the notification centre, even with no tweaks installed at all, I'd wait, unlike me lol.

*so far* notification center works for me - I haven't run Cydia yet (am doing so now), so it could be something that gets/got moved around after it's first run that messed it up. Will know myself in a couple of minutes and update this post.

After Cydia did it's first run and device re-sprung, Notification Center is still working. Fresh install of 8.3 and restore from backup (apps, etc) of an 8.3 backup, so far so good.
I can't get Cydia to recognize my account (for installable/purchased items, etc), it keeps telling me "For reasons as yet undetermined I cannot identify your device. Are you using a desktop web browser" I searched for that error and found one link, that basically did no good, so IDK if Cydia needs an update, but none of my purchased items show since it can't identify my device.
got a little excited about the JB release (as a long term JBer)..but I've been on stock for months now because of the apple watch and don't really miss it. Since the demise of BiteSMS and the disappointing LockInfo, I haven't even considered going JB again...

but....maybe...just maybe...
I'm probably going to wait a few days to take the plunge to 8.3. I'm jailbroken on 8.1.2 right now and I just finished up saving all the theme files I want to keep on my computer so I can easily transfer them over once the 8.3 jailbreak is confirmed to be stable and working good. I'm also doing a full back up to iTunes right now.

Does anybody know what if any jailbreak files can get backed up in the iTunes back up? I want to run 8.3 stock for awhile and run it from my backup since I have so many apps/photos but I'm worried some junk from my jailbreak will get carried over from the back up. Does iTunes completely ignore those files? Are there some tweaks that write stuff right into some of apples directories and they don't get cleared out unless you do a clean install? I've done plenty clean starts and I just don't feel like going through it this time if it's not needed. Anybody have some insight?

I'm really excited to go stock again for awhile to feel the crispy performance and still have the comfort of knowing I can go back to the jailbreak world of 8.3!
So let's say I restore to iOS 8.3 today and use my jailbroken backup. Will iOS see the jailbreak data (themes/files) as used space? Or will that space be freed? Then when I do eventually jailbreak 8.3 will my themes still be there in the folder? Just trying to figure out what iOS backs up and if any remaining files from my jailbreak back up will be lingering around.. Anybody know?
Reading some of your posts I'm curious as to how I can do a backup of my jailbroken iPad with all tweaks installed so when I do jb again I'd have all my tweaks again. Is it possible? If so can someone explain to me how?
Reading some of your posts I'm curious as to how I can do a backup of my jailbroken iPad with all tweaks installed so when I do jb again I'd have all my tweaks again. Is it possible? If so can someone explain to me how?
Not possible. Apple devices do not back up the file system or Cydia apps, they only back up the data. Jailbreak data will be backed up however which can mean that after reinstalling tweaks you find your settings for that tweak exactly the way you left them. For some people though that causes problems and it is advised against restoring from a backup when you jailbreak.
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