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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 13, 2012
Hey everyone

Quick question, do you all think it is safe to jailbreak my iPhone 6 if I do banking on my phone? I access all my bank accounts on my phone, also I use two of my cards with apple pay. I'm just kinda worried about jailbreaking my phone. Thanks.


macrumors 68000
Sep 16, 2014
yes and no. It is safe if you know what you are downloading but sometimes its not. Like viruses or your phone crashes due to an unsafe app you downloaded. but for the most part it is safe


macrumors regular
Feb 9, 2013
I see the Mac knowledge snobs are in town, you should know as well as anyone that there is some malicious software out there that can be installed on Apple devices if the user is not careful what they are doing. Perhaps the user chose the wrong choice of word but there is no need to berate him for it, especially when you know full well what he actually meant.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I see the Mac knowledge snobs are in town, you should know as well as anyone that there is some malicious software out there that can be installed on Apple devices if the user is not careful what they are doing. Perhaps the user chose the wrong choice of word but there is no need to berate him for it, especially when you know full well what he actually meant.

Is your iPhone/iPad/iPod jailbroken?

Are you aware you are posting in the jailbreak forums?

Just asking. You don't strike me as the type to jailbreak your device.


macrumors regular
Feb 9, 2013
I've been jailbreaking since the 3GS days, WTF has that got to do with my reply to Juiced. I've jailbroken every breakable device I've owned since then, usually the same day I buy them, as I don't usually bother buying a device until a jailbreak is released for the device.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I've been jailbreaking since the 3GS days, WTF has that got to do with my reply to Juiced.

I find that only non jailbreakers or newbies seem to be concerned with viruses or malware in relation to jailbreaking.

Apparently I'm wrong.


macrumors regular
Feb 9, 2013
Seems like you are barely walking outside the walled garden yourself then. Care does have to be taken, but it's all common sense stuff really.


macrumors regular
Jul 6, 2011
Hmm i too am curious on this...I've had the 2G/3G/4/5 all JB'd.

I haven't even set up the touch-ID feature on my 6 yet because of this but i'm looking forward on using Apple Pay when i go to NY in the spring. I'd like to just have to waive my phone for every transactions that i use at that time.

Anyone got screwed or got weird trans on their cards while using Apple Pay on a JB'd device?


macrumors 601
Oct 14, 2007
My reply is ->

I carry out Internet banking on both stock iPads and my iP6+ which I've just jail broken, however I've Jb in the past too.

My banks system asks for a different part of my passcode each time.

I have had no issues over the years.

I don't Internet bank on free wifi and pretty much only thing i take not to do.


macrumors Westmere
Apr 16, 2008
At the iPhone hacks section.
I see the Mac knowledge snobs are in town, you should know as well as anyone that there is some malicious software out there that can be installed on Apple devices if the user is not careful what they are doing. Perhaps the user chose the wrong choice of word but there is no need to berate him for it, especially when you know full well what he actually meant.

Great, so what malicious software is out there that that can be installed on the IOS currently? On stock or JB ios version.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2012
Malicious charger. Unflod. MRat. Code4HK. Malicious charger requires physical access to the device but will work on stock and JB devices. Unflod has been so far the most widespread infection from bad Cydia sources. MRat/Code4HK infected stock and JB devices.


macrumors member
Jan 12, 2015
Hey everyone

Quick question, do you all think it is safe to jailbreak my iPhone 6 if I do banking on my phone? I access all my bank accounts on my phone, also I use two of my cards with apple pay. I'm just kinda worried about jailbreaking my phone. Thanks.

I was in the same boat as you. I too do banking on my phone and use Apple Pay and similar tasks.

I've JBed since 3G iPhone to iPhone 5 and haven't had an issue yet. But for my new iPhone 6 Plus, I wanted to stay stock. I'm just the paranoid type. That said, with my recent discovery of HandyKey and Tage, I am willing to take the "risk" and I JBed my phone earlier this weekend I'm loving it. For me, the amount of convenience I have gained outweighs the so-called "risk" of JB and installing tweaks.

Nothing is ever "safe" but I would say to use common sense and best practices when it comes to these things.


macrumors Westmere
Apr 16, 2008
At the iPhone hacks section.
Malicious charger. Unflod. MRat. Code4HK. Malicious charger requires physical access to the device but will work on stock and JB devices. Unflod has been so far the most widespread infection from bad Cydia sources. MRat/Code4HK infected stock and JB devices.

You're talking about some chinese/hong kong hacks that need to be installed on JB devices only and are widespread in that small region of asia.
And since over 9 months ago there's been easy ways to figure out if you have it or ways to remove it.


macrumors 601
Feb 9, 2011
you should know as well as anyone that there is some malicious software out there that can be installed on Apple devices if the user is not careful what they are doing.
Which is not a what a virus is.

Perhaps the user chose the wrong choice of word but there is no need to berate him for it, especially when you know full well what he actually meant.
We only know what people say. I don't assume to know what a person means. If a person means X then a person should say X. If a person needs clarification then a person should ask. If a person doesn't know what a word means then a person shouldn't assume. Viruses are malicious software but not all malicious software are viruses.


macrumors regular
Feb 9, 2013
Clearly someone else can't read between the lines either, but you are good at making yourself look like an ass. Besides that who the feck rattled your cage, crawl back under your bridge.
Last edited:


macrumors member
Jan 8, 2009
Dingus, VA
Which is not a what a virus is.

We only know what people say. I don't assume to know what a person means. If a person means X then a person should say X. If a person needs clarification then a person should ask. If a person doesn't know what a word means then a person shouldn't assume. Viruses are malicious software but not all malicious software are viruses.



macrumors 68000
Apr 21, 2007
Jailbreak safe?

The jailbreak itself is safe. Just stay away from cracked app repos and you should be fine. I do some mobile banking on my JB iPhone and have never had any issues whatsoever. If one of the jailbreaks ever does have a security issue it will spread through the channels like wildfire and you would know to stay away from it before even having to ask about its security.
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