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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 14, 2019
Hi folks! I was kinda anoyed with the Java version that we are stuck with(1.5), so after a day of R&D(googling and trying to not screw up my PB) I got to fully working Java 1.6.0 for PPC OS X. But a week later I wanted to use the IDE(comes in a form of .jar) that I use to program my ghetto microcontroller boards but it was throwing at me that it needs Java 1.7! So after 3 days of my typical R&D I got a working Java 1.7 for PPC OS X. So I wanna ask if anyone here also uses newer Java than 1.5? I include a photo so noone can say that I am lying or the Java 7 for PPC doesnt exists.

If you are not faking this, then you have managed to achieve something that the members of this forum have failed to do with 1.6 for years now, let alone 1.7. Everything we know says that 1.6 can only be installed on an Intel Mac, so the fact that you got 1.7 working on a PowerPC Mac is…questionable.

There are now going to be several members here that demand you explain how you did this.
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I know there is a way of upgrading Java, I never really tried doing it as I never needed it. I use/need Java in Eclipse. I downloaded the PPC Openjdk 1.7 (there is a thread somewhere where I provide the links) and blinded it to Eclipse as a new complier suite repository (or something like that, have to have a look at the correct path names again).
Then I could use the full potential of Java 7 on an 18 y.o. machine (TiBook) :D
I am very curious what method you used to accomplish this! Also, a ‘uname -a’ in that terminal window would go a ways to dispelling some skepticism. Those window controls are from a modern version of OS X, or a heavily themed Leopard :)
If you are not faking this, then you have managed to achieve something that the members of this forum have failed to do with 1.6 for years now, let alone 1.7. Everything we know says that 1.6 can only be installed on an Intel Mac, so the fact that you got 1.7 working on a PowerPC Mac is…questionable.

There are now going to be several members here that demand you explain how you did this.

I was expecting that there will be people demanding my explanation how I did it. Its not a secret how its done so Im going to post it. I was just curious to see if anyone have the same versions or it is rare to have it. But from the reactions I see that I might need to make a small tutorial how to install both versions.

I am very curious what method you used to accomplish this! Also, a ‘uname -a’ in that terminal window would go a ways to dispelling some skepticism. Those window controls are from a modern version of OS X, or a heavily themed Leopard :)

Youre right. Its heavily themed Leopard. I have installed the LeopardRebirth theme. Here is the photo of terminal woth both versions and a simple way of swithing between the versions because both are installed in original Apple manner in places where it should be. Also uname -a and my specs to prove its not a Intel machine. (its frustrating it doesnt show my overclock)

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Well hot damn dude, couldn’t me in as excited to see how to get this up and going on my trusty old PowerBook!

Im not good at writing tutorials, so I will try to do my best.
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