I just installed java 1.6 and 1.7 thanks to the files provided by @JoyBed but things are not working entirely.
I'm using a PowerMac G4 QS on Leopard 10.5.8.
I can switch between Java 1.6 and 1.7 without any problem, but if I try to revert back to Leopard Java 1.5 I get the following error in the Terminal:
Failed to open library /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/JavaVM
Failed to find scheduleUpdateSharing in JavaVM library: invalid handle passed to dlsym()
/Volumes/Archivio RAID 1/Software Mac/Java6_ppc/Java Updater/Switch to Java 5.sh: line 12: 551 Bus error java -version
Not that bad I tought, I want to use 1.6 anyway and that should work.
Then I tried to run the Arduino IDE 1.0.6, but the app is bouncing and then crashing. I did a little of troubleshooting and this is what the terminal returns when trying to run the program:
sh-3.2# /Volumes/Archivio\ RAID\ 1/Software\ Mac/Arduino.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub
Failed to open library /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/JavaVM
Failed to find scheduleUpdateSharing in JavaVM library: invalid handle passed to dlsym()
Bus error
(tried without su gives the same results).
So, what's the problem with the JavaVM library? I did something wrong?
I just installed java 1.6 and 1.7 thanks to the files provided by @JoyBed but things are not working entirely.
I'm using a PowerMac G4 QS on Leopard 10.5.8.
I can switch between Java 1.6 and 1.7 without any problem, but if I try to revert back to Leopard Java 1.5 I get the following error in the Terminal:
Failed to open library /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/JavaVM
Failed to find scheduleUpdateSharing in JavaVM library: invalid handle passed to dlsym()
/Volumes/Archivio RAID 1/Software Mac/Java6_ppc/Java Updater/Switch to Java 5.sh: line 12: 551 Bus error java -version
Not that bad I tought, I want to use 1.6 anyway and that should work.
Then I tried to run the Arduino IDE 1.0.6, but the app is bouncing and then crashing. I did a little of troubleshooting and this is what the terminal returns when trying to run the program:
sh-3.2# /Volumes/Archivio\ RAID\ 1/Software\ Mac/Arduino.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub
Failed to open library /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/JavaVM
Failed to find scheduleUpdateSharing in JavaVM library: invalid handle passed to dlsym()
Bus error
(tried without su gives the same results).
So, what's the problem with the JavaVM library? I did something wrong?