I have a set of urBeats, but they are about to fall apart. Which of the 2 model Jaybirds would you go with? Thank you
I have a pair of X2's and don't like them at all, I feel they are massively overrated.
Just got back from Best Buy they didn't have the x3 in stock with them being on sale. Was gonna try the Freedom, but decided no at moment. What don't you like about the x2? Sound quality?
With all of that said if the AirPods fit your ears get those instead. They fit me perfectly and now they're all i use for calls, workouts or runs.
Former AirPods owner and current X3 user. The X3's provide a far superior sound out of the box that is customizable with their dedicated app. They also isolate sound meaning no ambient noise.Do you think the sound quality of the AirPods is comparable to the Jaybirds? I'm considering a new pair of wireless headphones and was reading reviews to try and learn more about the current products on the market. Most of what I have seen says that Jaybirds and Bose have some of the best sound quality available, but that the Airpods sound quality is quite lacking. What has been your experience?
I hated the freedoms. Horrible battery life, uncomfortable, connectivity issues etc
I like the ability to charge on the go - clip it on your way to the gym and you have a charge for your workout. The new AirPods take that a step further by always being put away in the charging case so I always have a charge when I take them out.Battery life for me isn't bad when you include the charging clip.
I decided on the X3's and they will be delivered today as every Bestbuy store was sold out befor Christmas. I'm still considering getting a pair of Airpods as well.
The deciding factor for me between the X3's and the Freedoms was all the reviews I read about how heavy the Freedoms control clip was since most of the tech was housed there in an effort to make the actual buds smaller and lighter. Numerous reviewers who use them for exercise stated the bud on the controller side would come loose from their ear during exercise due to the added weight. I'm getting a Bluetooth headset primarily for exercise and I just didn't want to risk that. I'll post back here after using the X3's for a while and give you all my impressions.
I'll post back here after using the X3's for a while and give you all my thoughts based on some experience with them.