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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 12, 2009
Has anyone been able to buy a jet black iPhone 7 in store (for example, with a reservation)? It seems the stores periodically receive stock of other models, but never jet black.
Impossible for now. I've talked to employees at the store, and outside one or two demos, they have never seen one to be sold. I imagine inventory will loosen up in 2-4 weeks though.
Even in review videos, I have never seen a jet black 7+.
The only time I saw one was the YouTube vlogger, iJustine.
She never revealed how she got it.
It came in a shipped box.
I've only seen Jet Black (regular) 7s at the Apple Store. No 3rd party retailers (Target, carriers, Best Buy, etc.) have gotten demo units or stock of any kind around here.

I haven't even seen one in the wild yet. There must have been an extremely limited amount available at launch.
My Apple Store has a few jet black 256gb 7s no one wants them, a TON of 7 plus rose gold (no one wants them) and a few matte blacks
Apple sure got this one right. Stock the phones nobody wants.
where - what apple store

Of course lol and saddle creek

Just two I took pics of while bored in class

I picked up my 7+ jet black from a manhattan store today but it had been reserved for me through the IUP. It also arrived almost two weeks early.
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