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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Nov 14, 2011

Ive revealed his delight with the Apple Watch, which will be on sale early in 2015. “The wrist is a remarkable place for lightweight interactions, and the Apple Watch is the beginning of a new and very important category of technology,” said Ive. “As soon as something is worn, people want to personalize it and so we are working to make it broadly appealing. We call it a watch, even though it could also have been called a phone or something else.”

Ive said his team has been discovering new ways of using the watch, including as a gentle wakeup device that taps the wearer on the wrist. “We have a child-like awe and curiosity about the watch—and we know wearers will find many ingenious and artful ways of using this interactive object.”
I will admit, I like this as a general concept, a very personal device.
I must say though, that, it will only, for me, become this, when it's independent.
The other day I went out shopping, no phone with me, and thought how free it would feel to have a small device on my wrist I could rely on to give me information, and keep in touch if/when needed.
I struggle to accept this, for me right now, whilst I need to also carry my phone on me.
Hoping that in time it will become full independent, and I can feel its a totally personal item I can rely on, and not an extension of the phone in my pocket.

Just my thoughts.
Using a Jony Ive phrase I believe with every bone in my body that this device will eventually be independent of the phone. But that won't happen until they can get reasonable battery life.
Using a Jony Ive phrase I believe with every bone in my body that this device will eventually be independent of the phone. But that won't happen until they can get reasonable battery life.

As far as I know right now. The brand new Samsung Galaxy Gear S is such a device with it's own sim card.
I have not seen one in the flesh or seen any real user reviews of the device.
I guess we shall have to wait a few weeks/months to get a feel for it.

I'm not sure how independent that device is, but yes, I agree with you, I'm sure it will come.
Needing to have your phone with you, is a pain, and also it therefore being tied to Apple phones also is a massive limitation to the watch.

I'm sure this will change in time as can you imagine how iPad's would be if they needed you to have a mac computer to use them?

I just need to hibernate for a few years to get all this messy early version stuff out the way :D
I will admit, I like this as a general concept, a very personal device.
I must say though, that, it will only, for me, become this, when it's independent.
The other day I went out shopping, no phone with me, and thought how free it would feel to have a small device on my wrist I could rely on to give me information, and keep in touch if/when needed.
I struggle to accept this, for me right now, whilst I need to also carry my phone on me.
Hoping that in time it will become full independent, and I can feel its a totally personal item I can rely on, and not an extension of the phone in my pocket.

Just my thoughts.

I agree that independence from the phone is the way to go and Apple seems to have every intentions to do it. However I still don't see how certain functions will work on a watch, like buying music/apps from App Store, checking news, or even Touch ID (where would you place it?) for example.
Ive has several months to blahblahblah about his vaporware while other companies are delivering awesome products.

"the Apple Watch is the beginning of a new and very important category of technology," said Ive.

BEGINNING?! Then what's on my wrist? This thing called Gear S. Is it not a new and very important category of technology? Ive is pathetic.

“We have a child-like awe and curiosity about the watch—and we know wearers will find many ingenious and artful ways of using this interactive object.”

Yeah, Jony, you've just described my child-like awe and curiosity about Gear S I got today for 300 bucks with no strings attached—and you know I'll find many ingenious and artful ways of using this interactive object. :rolleyes:
Ive has several months to blahblahblah about his vaporware while other companies are delivering awesome products.

"the Apple Watch is the beginning of a new and very important category of technology," said Ive.

BEGINNING?! Then what's on my wrist? This thing called Gear S. Is it not a new and very important category of technology? Ive is pathetic.

“We have a child-like awe and curiosity about the watch—and we know wearers will find many ingenious and artful ways of using this interactive object.”

Yeah, Jony, you've just described my child-like awe and curiosity about Gear S I got today for 300 bucks with no strings attached—and you know I'll find many ingenious and artful ways of using this interactive object. :rolleyes:

I'm from the UK, Ive is from the UK, and I find him a utter embarrassment :(

I find he talks to adults as if he's sitting in front of a nursery school class of children, ohhh, ahhhh, amazing.

I don't know how much of this is him, or how much it's Apple.
Apple obviously pays scriptwriters to go over and over every single word in most things he says, the ways he it told to say it, how they think he should come across. It's amazingly over scripted.

So, I'm never sure how much to put the blame on him, or if he genuinely knows he's talking bollocks, and is just 'sticking to the script'

The only worry is, when you get into a position after a few years of thinking you cannot do anything wrong, and everything you do will be loved, you can start believing in your own hype, and I also wonder if he's got himself into that position also.

Still the Americans must love him. As I say, he might just be like that, as it's Apple's media/script writers concept of what Americans will love and expect from a British/European designer, so he is made to fit this role publicly.
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Ive has several months to blahblahblah about his vaporware while other companies are delivering awesome products.

"the Apple Watch is the beginning of a new and very important category of technology," said Ive.

BEGINNING?! Then what's on my wrist? This thing called Gear S. Is it not a new and very important category of technology? Ive is pathetic.

“We have a child-like awe and curiosity about the watch—and we know wearers will find many ingenious and artful ways of using this interactive object.”

Yeah, Jony, you've just described my child-like awe and curiosity about Gear S I got today for 300 bucks with no strings attached—and you know I'll find many ingenious and artful ways of using this interactive object. :rolleyes:

To be fair to Jony, that Samsung device you have on your wrist is a beta product, which will look better after the Apple watch is made available for Samsung.
The only thing that's an utter embarrassment are all of your TL;DR posts. :D

No problem it's a free forum, we all jut read the posts we want to.
I never am rude enough to use the TLDR remark as I think that makes me look very very rude and ignorant.

If I see a long long post I don't wish to read, I just move on, I don't feel any need to make myself look bad to others and post an arrogant reply to the long post.

If you don't wish to read anything from anyone, please just move onto another post you will enjoy.

Simple really :)
A few new comments from Ive. Interesting that he refers to it as a "system". Not exactly sure what he means by that.

"This leap is a really significant one. The parallels between what happened with the technology associated with timekeeping and what we're facing is really quite uncanny. There is this sort of natural part of our condition, which is when you see something new there is a desire to do a few things. I think you typically want to make it smaller. The first thing you do is typically huge - you can put wheels on it and drive it around – so you make it smaller. You make it cheaper and therefore obviously more accessible. And then you make it better. You make it more reliable. And that's exactly what happened. It was a multi-century transition from the clock tower to something that ended up literally on your wrist. So what we're doing has a sort of robust historical precedent.

The wrist is an amazing place to put technology. You're only going to use it a certain way – you're obviously not going to write a dissertation! But it's very good to see who just texted you, or if you're walking and use it just to see was that left or right. So the watch – just like for telling the time – is very good for these quick in and out things.

"One of the biggest challenges that we found was that we wouldn't all be sitting here wearing the same thing. I don't think we want to wear the same thing. Which is why we developed this system not a single product. It's a flexible system, so hopefully it will be appealing, but there's still a very singular idea. We're not just throwing a whole bunch of ideas against the wall to see which one sticks… like some people!"
Interesting that he refers to it as a "system". Not exactly sure what he means by that.

I'm guessing he's simply referring to the possible combinations of case (with choice of size,material,color), bands and customizable watch faces.

BEGINNING?! Then what's on my wrist? This thing called Gear S. Is it not a new and very important category of technology? Ive is pathetic.

That thing called Gear S is one of many sticks Samsung have been thronging on the walls for a year or so to see what sticks. I had the gear fit for few months. Rubbish! Had to sell it on eBay. I don't mind Apple taking their time to make something work and not rush to be "me first" like other companies do.
That thing called Gear S is one of many sticks Samsung have been thronging on the walls for a year or so to see what sticks.

Apparently, this method works, whether you like it or not. It doesn't work immediately, so if you're an early adopter, you're just a guinea pig for the future generations. A bit more patience and you could have made it to the amazing Note 4 and Gear S, but it seems you gave up on Samsung with Gear Fit. All I can say... thanks for paving the road!
A bit more patience and you could have made it to the amazing Note 4 and Gear S, but it seems you gave up on Samsung with Gear Fit. All I can say... thanks for paving the road!

Gear S? No thanks, I would rather have the gear fit instead if I was going to stick with Samsung. It's really a mobile phone on the wrist. That thing is huge for my wrist, and for my taste is no where as good as the Apple Watch.


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I will admit, I like this as a general concept, a very personal device.
I must say though, that, it will only, for me, become this, when it's independent.
The other day I went out shopping, no phone with me, and thought how free it would feel to have a small device on my wrist I could rely on to give me information, and keep in touch if/when needed.
I struggle to accept this, for me right now, whilst I need to also carry my phone on me.
Hoping that in time it will become full independent, and I can feel its a totally personal item I can rely on, and not an extension of the phone in my pocket.

Just my thoughts.
I think it's getting there. Maybe the second generation of the cellular AppleWatch might be it? A truly independent stand-alone watch-phone-minicomputer. One can hope.
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