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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jul 9, 2012
Anyone tried the trial?

Topaz JPEG to RAW AI uses machine learning to do what was previously impossible: turn JPEGs into high-quality RAWs for a better editing experience. Ever come across the perfect shot and all you had was your phone? Now you can take the shot, then take your compressed JPEG image and convert it to RAW in Topaz JPEG to RAW AI. It's the next best thing to having your trusty camera gear on hand! With JPEG to RAW AI, you can prevent banding, remove compression artifacts, recover detail, and enhance dynamic range. As the first and only A.I. software for transforming your JPEGs into RAW files, what used to be impossible is now possible. Why wait? Get your copy today.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Jul 9, 2012
So do the trial and see if it makes sense for you.

I am seeing big improvements on the 1999 jpg images converted to dng (tif is an option).


macrumors 68020
Feb 20, 2012
Denver, Colorado, USA
Anyone tried the trial?
As the first and only A.I. software for transforming your JPEGs into RAW files, what used to be impossible is now possible.

It's still impossible (they can't convert to raw camera output). But it does look like they give you a few additional options if you have old phone photos that for some reason you want to convert to a 16-bit TIFF, add in an expanded color space, stuff into a DNG and do a little editing on. In a way, it looks like they are "filling in gaps" on the histogram and giving you a little more headroom for adjustments. Mildly interesting but not necessarily compelling at this point, other than to show off some AI chops. It's always interesting to see where folks are taking image processing tech.
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macrumors 68010
Jun 5, 2012
Topaz JPEG to RAW "AI" :rolleyes:

I think artificial intelligence is currently the most over-used and abused catchphrase. Interesting that they use "AI" in the product name but nowhere that I could find do they ever clearly say and use the term "artificial intelligence".

Big difference between machine learning and artificial intelligence.


macrumors demi-god
Jul 18, 2008
Glasgow, UK
Topaz JPEG to RAW "AI" :rolleyes:

I think artificial intelligence is currently the most over-used and abused catchphrase. Interesting that they use "AI" in the product name but nowhere that I could find do they ever clearly say and use the term "artificial intelligence".

Big difference between machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Glad you said this, I have been biting my tongue. Deep Learning will be mentioned soon I am sure. At the end of the day, no software can create detail that wasn't there in the first place so despite doing a decent enough job of cleaning up old photos, I think it is another snake oil product. Looking at the examples on the website, I find the results of the images that they chose to showcase it with are a bit specific to its capabilities and yet still a bit meh...

AI, ML.... lmao...


macrumors 68030
May 3, 2011
I'm sorry but I have read the spiel on their site and I just can't agree with their claims. They are not recovering anything, what they are doing is applying a series of editing algorithms to the image to improve it visually. Technically they can call it a conversion to RAW if it supports DNG as a target format since this is also a RAW format but they certainly can't recover the lost RAW data. All they can do is improve the appearance of the jpg image.
If you want to treat it as an application that will improve the appearance of images to a lot of people then fine but lots of apps do that already - they just don't market it as a paradigm shifting tool.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Jul 9, 2012
It made my 1999 Coolpix jpg images look better. I moved to raw shooting in 2008 with my DSLRs.


macrumors 68020
Feb 20, 2012
Denver, Colorado, USA
It made my 1999 Coolpix jpg images look better. I moved to raw shooting in 2008 with my DSLRs.

Sure, but it's just improving the look of the image, not building a raw file. You may get some editing headroom in certain cases. Nothing wrong with any of that and for some it may be worth it. But you're just shoving a cooked TIFF into a DNG container that's had some algorithms run against it. If you open an original raw file and the recovered DNG in a tool like Fast Raw Viewer (which shows raw histograms), you see it doesn't come close to recovering the original raw file, at least in the cases that interested me.

I poked around on it yesterday and threw in a JPG where I wanted to do some noise reduction and recover some shadow details just to see what it could do. Answer was not much that I couldn't do elsewhere. For me, the only possible use case where I'd have just a JPG and not a raw file too is on an older phone. And honestly, for those cases, the JPGs looked OK to begin with. It's not really even a novelty product, and for me, not worth $100 (or even $70 on the current discount), and I am usually fairly happy to spend fairly freely on software :).
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