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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 14, 2005
Danville, VA
So I just got my Christmas gift from my Friend (actually friends) in the mail yesterday. It's a Sony DSC-W50 6MP Digital Camera. I know some of you are probably going to bash Sony, but my Friend is a big fan and, it is way ahead of my old 2MP HP Photosmart 635 :). Anyway haven't had much time to play with it yet, but I managed to take some Macro shots today, at least as many as I could fit on the built in memory, since I don't have a Memory Stick yet. Anyone own this camera, or a similar model and could offer any tips? Anyway here are a few of the pics, they are hosted on my computer, sorry for the slightly slow speed, Im partial to the first one myself.




All the pictures are here if interested

Edit: Wow I've edited this post a lot in 10 min :)


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Sony makes great point and shoots, as do a lot of brands that are non-Canon, unlike what many people believe. I have a Canon p&s right now, and may switch to an Olympus MJU-725 SW model as my next camera. That would really be tops. :)
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