Same resolution and I always hide my dock on the left side. Looks great and I haven't had any lag issues (yet).I'm running scaled at 1440x900 and I think it looks great. Also is anyone hiding their dock for more space? I haven't yet but am thinking about it.
1440x900. That's one of the first thing I did, along with disabling "natural" scroll and setting the trackpad speed to the fastest available. My dock is still the default one, I need to change the icons first, then I'll decide what to do with it. On my MBA it's hidden at the bottom, and on the iMac it's fixed, small size, on the left. Will probably hide this one.
Now...... to find a name![]()
Disable natural scrolling? Say what!
Disable natural scrolling? Say what!
Hey, mind posting a screenshot of your desktop - just curious to see how small or manageable the UI elements would be using 1440x900 on a 12" display. Thanks. ^^
Worst thing after Windows Trackpads![]()
Really? I love it. I never knew so many people hated it. To me it feels...natural.
Really? I love it. I never knew so many people hated it. To me it feels...natural.
So after a couple of hours spent reading stuff on the MB, I can confirm my resolution of choice is definitely the "more space" setting - 1440x900.
Yup, disable natural (UNnatural) scrolling, turn on tap click!
Yup, disable natural (UNnatural) scrolling, turn on tap click! Although the new trackpad works so nicely that I'm finding myself using real clicks. The thing is Dark Art.
Ok I'm confused about something.
Why do so many people "scale", or in other words lower the resolution of the display? I see this in the other sub forums here also.
People complain about the MBA not having a retina display, yet people lower the resolution of a beautiful retina screen.
I love the standard res of the retina display on my rMBP and couldn't imagine lowering it.