I spent months reading reviews and “should I upgrade” posts and videos. Nervous as all get out that I would be filled with buyers remorse after dropping hundreds of dollars on the new iPad Pro 11” I finally said screw it and went ahead and did it. I’ve had it for a couple days now and I’m just going to say if you have the means, I highly recommend it! Would I skip my rent payment for it? Hell no. The iPad 10.5 does still work but if you liked the iPad 10.5 I’m going to bet you’re going to love the iPad 11”! Significantly faster, more responsive, larger display in a similar enclosure size. A little lighter. Bright display with a bit more contrast. Also, I did get the cellular version and after a day of use, I’m not seeing any enclosure warping and not having touch response issues with the keyboard or anything else. No funky white ghost dots or “dirty screen” symptoms. I’m not even missing the home button like I thought I might. The Face ID works fantastic for me. All in all, I’m pretty optimistic I’ll be happy with this till the next iPad is released! Lol in my experience, trying the new iPad out in the store didn’t do it justice. As soon as I was able to incorporate this device into my daily work flow, that was when I got the “ahhhh” feeling I was hoping for. Crossing fingers I don’t have issues develop later down the road.