Hey all. So long story short i like to switch between my iphone x and my iphone SE every week or two for various reasons i won't get into. The process is usually pretty easy and simple, i pop in my simcard to the other phone, verify whatsapp which takes 30 seconds total, repair my apple watch and restore from a backup from earlier in the day, which takes just 10 minutes while im doing something else, really not a hassle overall. The only annoying thing is iMessages and more importantly iMessages synced in icloud.
Even though I have both my phones with Messages in iCloud settings turned on, the phone that i am NOT using will never get the messages synced with the conversations that I am getting on the active iphone. For instance, I use my iphone X then 2-3 weeks later I go to my iphone SE, pop in the sim card and everything, and the imessages convos i had over the three weeks on my iphone x dont show up on my SE. or vice versa, even if i keep the SE turned on and on wifi for the three weeks i was using my X, ive even tried that. I even tried setting up the 2nd iphone as a source for text message forwarding like i do when i want my imessages to go to my ipad as well, to no avail. Is there any way to have imessage conversations actually up to date on two phones? maybe not in real time since only one has a sim card at a time, but at least when i switch, it should sync!
any advice?
Even though I have both my phones with Messages in iCloud settings turned on, the phone that i am NOT using will never get the messages synced with the conversations that I am getting on the active iphone. For instance, I use my iphone X then 2-3 weeks later I go to my iphone SE, pop in the sim card and everything, and the imessages convos i had over the three weeks on my iphone x dont show up on my SE. or vice versa, even if i keep the SE turned on and on wifi for the three weeks i was using my X, ive even tried that. I even tried setting up the 2nd iphone as a source for text message forwarding like i do when i want my imessages to go to my ipad as well, to no avail. Is there any way to have imessage conversations actually up to date on two phones? maybe not in real time since only one has a sim card at a time, but at least when i switch, it should sync!
any advice?