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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 25, 2020
United Kingdom
Help please

I’m getting frequent kernel panics on my MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2016). Some times it happens every 10 mins or so several times then nothing for a few hours, sometimes there is a gap of a few hours between each crash.

It suddenly started doing this on Monday when I was on Catalina so I updated to Big Sur hoping it would fix it – which it hasn't.

I’ve run Rember which shows no RAM errors.
I’ve reset NVRAM
I’ve turned off the power nap settings which some websites suggest could be the issue.
I’ve checked the disk utility which shows no errors and nothing to repair.

A crash report suggests that Dashlane was open at one crash – I’ve exited that (but not uninstalled it) and uninstalled it on Chrome as well.

The latest crash log shows the below – is there anything in this that is the cause?

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff801f77ecde): nvme: “Fatal error occurred. ID=0x843 ARG1=0x4c0e ARG2=0xfc ARG3=0xfe EDD0=0x10600000 EDD1=0x100000 EDD2=0x0 EDD3=0x1cf00000 EDD4=0x0 EDD5=0x0 EDD6=0x0 EDD7=0x0 NANDV=0x2, DRAMV=0x2, SSDC=256GB. FW Revision=9.134.01\n”@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffffb0b6c3b960 : 0xffffff801d0bc66d
0xffffffb0b6c3b9b0 : 0xffffff801d1ff073
0xffffffb0b6c3b9f0 : 0xffffff801d1ef6aa
0xffffffb0b6c3ba40 : 0xffffff801d061a2f
0xffffffb0b6c3ba60 : 0xffffff801d0bbf0d
0xffffffb0b6c3bb80 : 0xffffff801d0bc1f8
0xffffffb0b6c3bbf0 : 0xffffff801d8bee1a
0xffffffb0b6c3bc60 : 0xffffff801f77ecde
0xffffffb0b6c3bc80 : 0xffffff801f763407
0xffffffb0b6c3bde0 : 0xffffff801d81d5c5
0xffffffb0b6c3be50 : 0xffffff801d81d4c6
0xffffffb0b6c3be80 : 0xffffff801d101345
0xffffffb0b6c3bef0 : 0xffffff801d102254
0xffffffb0b6c3bfa0 : 0xffffff801d06113e
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[0B7C9486-9719-3CAD-A5FF-E4B93A2CE4E6]@0xffffff801f75c000->0xffffff801f785fff

Process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 20.1.0: Sat Oct 31 00:07:11 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195.50.7~2/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 84C6DC45-6B02-335F-9439-5D2A9BC385A4
KernelCache slide: 0x000000001ce00000
KernelCache base: 0xffffff801d000000
Kernel slide: 0x000000001ce10000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff801d010000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff801cf00000
System model name: MacBook9,1 (Mac-9AE82516C7C6B903)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)
Hibernation exit count: 0

System uptime in nanoseconds: 305163798271
Last Sleep: absolute base_tsc base_nano
Uptime : 0x000000470d2e1216
Sleep : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
Wake : 0x0000000000000000 0x00000003333096f4 0x0000000000000000
last started kext at 182603706433: @filesystems.smbfs 3.4.1 (addr 0xffffff7fbd4b5000, size 434176)
loaded kexts:
@filesystems.smbfs 3.4.1
>AudioAUUC 1.70
>AGPM 119
>!APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0
>X86PlatformShim 1.0.0
@filesystems.autofs 3.0
@fileutil 20.036.15
>!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8
>!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 6.1.27
@AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 6.1.27
>!AHDAHardwareConfigDriver 283.15
>pmtelemetry 1
>!A!ISKLGraphics 16.0.0
>!AHDA 283.15
>LuaHardwareAccess 1.0.16
|IOUserEthernet 1.0.1
>AGDCBacklightControl 6.1.27
>usb.!UUserHCI 1
|IO!BSerialManager 8.0.1f5
>!A!ISKLGraphicsFramebuffer 16.0.0
>!ABacklight 180.3
>!AMCCSControl 1.14
@Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0
>!AHV 1
>!ADiskImages2 1
>!A!IPCHPMC 2.0.1
>!ACameraInterface 7.6.0
>ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin 1.0.0
>eficheck 1
>!AFIVRDriver 4.1.0
>!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking 4.0.0
@filesystems.apfs 1677.50.1
>!AFileSystemDriver 3.0.1
@filesystems.tmpfs 1
@filesystems.hfs.kext 556.41.1
@BootCache 40
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1
>!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver 4000.27
>AirPort.BrcmNIC 1400.1.1
@private.KextAudit 1.0
>!ASmartBatteryManager 161.0.0
>!AACPIButtons 6.1
>!ARTC 2.0
>!AAPIC 1.7
@!ASystemPolicy 2.0.0
@nke.applicationfirewall 310
|IOKitRegistryCompatibility 1
|EndpointSecurity 1
@kext.triggers 1.0
>!AGraphicsControl 6.1.27
>DspFuncLib 283.15
@kext.OSvKernDSPLib 529
|IOAccelerator!F2 439.35.4
|IOAVB!F 900.12
>!ABacklightExpert 1.1.0
|IONDRVSupport 585
>!ASMBus!C 1.0.18d1
|IO!BHost!CUARTTransport 8.0.1f5
|IO!BHost!CTransport 8.0.1f5
@!AGPUWrangler 6.1.27
@!AGraphicsDeviceControl 6.1.27
>!ASMBusPCI 1.0.14d1
>!AHDA!C 283.15
|IOHDA!F 283.15
|IOAudio!F 300.6.1
@vecLib.kext 1.2.0
>IOPlatformPluginLegacy 1.0.0
>X86PlatformPlugin 1.0.0
>IOPlatformPlugin!F 6.0.0d8
|IOGraphics!F 585
>!A!ILpssUARTv1 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssUARTCommon 3.0.60
>!AOnboardSerial 1.0
|IOSerial!F 11
|IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F 1.0.0
@plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 900.11
|IOEthernetAVB!C 1.1.0
>!AXsanScheme 3
>!ABSDKextStarter 3
|IOSurface 289.3
@filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext 1
>!AActuatorDriver 4400.28
>!AHIDKeyboard 222
>!AMultitouchDriver 4400.28
>!AInputDeviceSupport 4400.35
>!AHS!BDriver 4000.27
>IO!BHIDDriver 8.0.1f5
>!AHSSPIHIDDriver 61
>!AHSSPISupport 61
>!A!ILpssSpi!C 3.0.60
|IO80211!F 1200.12.2b1
|IOSkywalk!F 1
>mDNSOffloadUserClient 1.0.1b8
>corecapture 1.0.4
|IONVMe!F 2.1.0
>!AHPM 3.4.4
|IOThunderbolt!F 9.3.2
>!A!ILpssI2C!C 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssDmac 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssI2C 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssGspi 3.0.60
>usb.!UXHCIPCI 1.2
>usb.!UXHCI 1.2
>usb.!UHostPacketFilter 1.0
|IOUSB!F 900.4.2
>!AEFIRuntime 2.1
|IOSMBus!F 1.1
|IOHID!F 2.0.0
$!AImage4 3.0.0
|IOTimeSync!F 900.11
|IONetworking!F 3.4
>DiskImages 493.0.0
|IO!B!F 8.0.1f5
|IOReport!F 47
|IO!BPacketLogger 8.0.1f5
$quarantine 4
$sandbox 300.0
@Kext.!AMatch 1.0.0d1
|CoreAnalytics!F 1
>!ASSE 1.0
>!AKeyStore 2
>!UTDM 511.40.9
|IOUSBMass!SDriver 184.40.6
|IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 436.40.6
|IO!S!F 2.1
|IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F 436.40.6
>!AMobileFileIntegrity 1.0.5
@kext.CoreTrust 1
>!AFDEKeyStore 28.30
>!AEffaceable!S 1.0
>!ACredentialManager 1.0
>KernelRelayHost 1
|IOUSBHost!F 1.2
>!UHostMergeProperties 1.2
>usb.!UCommon 1.0
>!ABusPower!C 1.0
>!ASEPManager 1.0.1
>IOSlaveProcessor 1
>!AACPIPlatform 6.1
>!ASMC 3.1.9
|IOPCI!F 2.9
>watchdog 1
@kec.pthread 1
@kec.corecrypto 1.0
@kec.Libm 1
Here's my Etre report too

EtreCheckPro version: 6.3.5 (6D022)
Report generated: 2020-11-25 12:39:52
Download EtreCheckPro from
Runtime: 4:24
Performance: Good

Computer is restarting

Major Issues:
Anything that appears on this list needs immediate attention.

Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed that could be adware and should be reviewed.

Minor Issues:
These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems or opportunities for improvement.

Clean up - There are orphan files that could be removed.
Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed. Apple has said that unsigned software will not run by default in a future version of the operating system.
32-bit Apps - This computer has 32-bits apps will not work on current versions of the operating system.
Kernel extensions present - This computer has kernel extensions that may not work in the future.

Hardware Information:
MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2016)
MacBook Model: MacBook9,1
1.1 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core m3 (m3-6Y30) CPU: 2-core
8 GB RAM - Not upgradeable
BANK 0/DIMM0 - 4 GB LPDDR3 1867
BANK 1/DIMM0 - 4 GB LPDDR3 1867
Battery: Health = Normal - Cycle count = 507

Video Information:
Intel HD Graphics 515 - VRAM: 1536 MB
Color LCD (built-in) 2560 x 1600

disk0 - APPLE SSD AP0256J 251.00 GB (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)
Internal PCI-Express 8.0 GT/s x2 NVM Express
disk0s1 - EFI [EFI] 315 MB
disk0s2 [APFS Container] 250.69 GB
disk1 [APFS Virtual drive] 250.69 GB (Shared by 7 volumes)
disk1s1 - Macintosh HD - Data (APFS) [APFS Virtual drive] (Shared - 191.74 GB used)
disk1s2 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (Shared - 280 MB used)
disk1s3 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (Shared - 655 MB used)
disk1s4 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (Shared - 2.15 GB used)
disk1s5s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) (Shared - 14.94 GB used)
disk1s5 - Macintosh HD (APFS) [Fusion Drive] (Shared - 14.94 GB used)
disk1s5s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) (Shared - 14.94 GB used)
disk1s6 - U****e (APFS) (Shared - 717 KB used)

Mounted Volumes:
disk1s1 - Macintosh HD - Data [APFS Virtual drive]
250.69 GB (Shared - 191.74 GB used, 41.33 GB available, 40.78 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Data

disk1s2 - Preboot [APFS Preboot]
250.69 GB (Shared - 280 MB used, 40.78 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Preboot

disk1s4 - VM [APFS VM]
250.69 GB (Shared - 2.15 GB used, 40.78 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/VM

disk1s5s1 - Macintosh HD
250.69 GB (Shared - 14.94 GB used, 41.33 GB available, 40.78 GB free)
Mount point: /
Read-only: Yes

disk1s6 - U****e
250.69 GB (Shared - 717 KB used, 40.78 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/U****e

Interface lpss-serial2: LPSS Serial Adapter (2)
Interface en0: Wi-Fi
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
Interface en2: iPhone
Interface en1: Bluetooth PAN
iCloud Quota: 11.91 GB available

System Software:
macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 (20B50)
Time since boot: Less than an hour

Configuration Files:
/etc/hosts - Count: 8

13 notifications
Little Snitch
3 notifications
9 notifications
one notification

Gatekeeper: App Store and identified developers
System Integrity Protection: Enabled

Antivirus software: Apple and CleanMyMac

Unsigned Files:
Launchd: /Library/LaunchAgents/com.citrix.ServiceRecords.plist
Executable: /usr/local/libexec/
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK

Launchd: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ca.madefresh.BodegaAgent.plist
Executable: /Applications/
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK

Launchd: /Library/LaunchAgents/com.citrix.AuthManager_Mac.plist
Executable: /usr/local/libexec/
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK

Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.macpaw.CleanMyMac4.Agent.plist
Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.macpaw.CleanMyMac4.Agent

Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.synium.cleanappdaemon.plist
Executable: /Library/Application Support/CleanApp/CleanApp Daemon
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK

Running app: /Applications/CleanMyMac X
Running app: /Applications/CleanMyMac X X

Login Item: /Applications/CleanMyMac X X
Login Item: /Applications/CleanMyMac X

Plugin: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/PlugIns/FlashPlayer-10.6.plugin
Plugin: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin
Plugin: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/CouponPrinter-FireFox_v2.plugin
Plugin: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/SharePointBrowserPlugin.plugin
Plugin: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Google Earth Web Plug-in.plugin
Plugin: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/CitrixICAClientPlugIn.plugin
Plugin: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Silverlight.plugin
Plugin: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin
Plugin: ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/fbplugin_1_0_3.plugin

Preference Pane: /Library/PreferencePanes/Flash Player.prefPane
Preference Pane: /Library/PreferencePanes/Perian.prefPane

Apps: 15

32-bit Applications:
25 32-bit apps

System Extensions:
[Running] Little Snitch Network Extension - version 5.0.3 (Objective Development Software GmbH - 2020-11-23)
Application: /Applications/Little - version 5.0.3 (Objective Development Software GmbH - 2020-11-23)
Description: This system extension enables Little Snitch to filter network traffic.
[Not Loaded] Little Snitch Endpoint Security - version 5.0.3 (Objective Development Software GmbH - 2020-11-23)
Application: /Applications/Little - version 5.0.3 (Objective Development Software GmbH - 2020-11-23)
Description: Little Snitch Endpoint Security

Kernel Extensions:
/Library/Application Support/Hideman/daemon
[Not Loaded] tap.kext (20111101 (Tunnelblick build 2891.2917))
[Not Loaded] tun.kext (20111101 (Tunnelblick build 2891.2917))

[Not Loaded] heimdall.kext (6.0)
[Not Loaded] ssuddrv.kext (DEVGURU Co., Ltd., 1.4.32 - SDK 10.6)
[Not Loaded] HoRNDIS.kext (8.0 - SDK 10.6)
[Not Loaded] APExtFramebuffer.kext (1.2 - SDK 10.7)
[Not Loaded] AirParrotDriver.kext (1.7 - SDK 10.7)

Startup Items:
ProTec6 Path: /Library/StartupItems/ProTec6
ProTec6b Path: /Library/StartupItems/ProTec6b

System Launch Agents:
[Not Loaded] 17 Apple tasks
[Loaded] 187 Apple tasks
[Running] 128 Apple tasks

System Launch Daemons:
[Not Loaded] 37 Apple tasks
[Loaded] 189 Apple tasks
[Running] 135 Apple tasks

Launch Agents:
[Running] at.obdev.littlesnitch.agent.plist (Objective Development Software GmbH - installed 2020-11-23)
[Not Loaded] com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist (? 54905df0 - installed 2020-02-15)
[Not Loaded] com.adobe.GC.AGM.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2020-07-15)
[Not Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2020-07-15)
[Loaded] com.citrix.AuthManager_Mac.plist (? 8bba567b - installed 2012-04-03)
[Not Loaded] com.citrix.ServiceRecords.plist (? 484f5457 - installed 2012-04-03)
[Not Loaded] com.teamviewer.teamviewer.plist (TeamViewer GmbH - installed 2020-10-22)
[Not Loaded] com.teamviewer.teamviewer_desktop.plist (TeamViewer GmbH - installed 2020-10-22)

Launch Daemons:
[Running] at.obdev.littlesnitch.daemon.plist (Objective Development Software GmbH - installed 2020-11-23)
[Loaded] com.adobe.acc.installer.v2.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2020-05-11)
[Running] com.adobe.agsservice.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2020-07-15)
[Running] com.macpaw.CleanMyMac4.Agent.plist (? ff28e0f0 - installed 2020-11-23)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2020-11-23)
[Other] com.synium.cleanappdaemon.plist (? adbc7a09 - installed 2010-01-29)
[Loaded] com.teamviewer.Helper.plist (TeamViewer GmbH - installed 2020-10-22)
[Not Loaded] com.teamviewer.teamviewer_service.plist (TeamViewer GmbH - installed 2020-10-22)

User Launch Agents:
[Loaded] ca.madefresh.BodegaAgent.plist (? 0 - installed 2012-09-24)
[Not Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2020-07-15)
[Not Loaded] com.adobe.ccxprocess.plist (Apple - installed 2020-02-15)
[Not Loaded] com.dropbox.DropboxMacUpdate.agent.plist (Dropbox, Inc. - installed 2020-11-14)
[Loaded] (Google, Inc. - installed 2020-10-20)
[Loaded] (Google, Inc. - installed 2020-10-20)
[Not Loaded] com.macpaw.CleanMyMac3.Scheduler.plist (? 0 - installed 2018-07-16)

User Login Items:
[Not Loaded] Login Helper (App Store - installed 2020-11-23)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/ Login

[Running] CleanMyMac X Menu (? - installed 2020-11-23)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/CleanMyMac X

[Running] CleanMyMac X HealthMonitor (? - installed 2020-11-23)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/CleanMyMac X X

[Running] DashlaneHelper (App Store - installed 2020-11-24)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/Dashlane for

[Not Loaded] DashlaneAutoStartHelper (App Store - installed 2020-11-23)
Modern Login Item

[Running] (App Store - installed 2020-11-23)
Modern Login Item

[Not Loaded] Launcher (App Store - installed 2020-11-23)
Modern Login Item

[Running] (App Store - installed 2020-11-23)
Modern Login Item

Internet Plug-ins:
iPhotoPhotocast: 7.0 (Apple - installed 2013-04-22)
FlashPlayer-10.6: (? - installed 2018-07-16)
Flash Player: (? - installed 2018-07-16)
CouponPrinter-FireFox_v2: 5.0.4 (? - installed 2014-03-20)
SharePointBrowserPlugin: 14.0.0 (? - installed 2012-10-15)
Google Earth Web Plug-in: 6.0 (? - installed 2018-07-16)
CitrixICAClientPlugIn: 11.5.0 (? - installed 2012-06-01)
Silverlight: 5.1.10411.0 (? - installed 2018-07-16)
JavaAppletPlugin: (?)

User Internet Plug-ins:
fbplugin_1_0_3: (? - installed 2018-07-16)

Safari Extensions:
AdBlock Engine (App Store - installed 2020-11-24)
AdBlock Icon (App Store - installed 2020-11-24)
Dashlane (App Store - installed 2020-11-23)
SafariExtension (App Store - installed 2020-11-24)

3rd Party Preference Panes:
Flash Player (? - installed 2016-08-30)
Perian (? - installed 2011-07-23)

Time Machine Not Configured!
Skip System Files: No
Auto backup: No
Untitled [Local] (Last used)
Total size: 0 B
Total number of backups: 0

System Load: 3.32 (1 min ago) 3.98 (5 min ago) 5.34 (15 min ago)
Nominal I/O speed: 3.35 MB/s
File system: 39.23 seconds
Write speed: 321 MB/s
Read speed: 1022 MB/s

CPU Usage Snapshot:
Type Overall
System: 5 %
User: 6 %
Idle: 89 %

Top Processes Snapshot by CPU:
Process (count) CPU (Source - Location)
WindowServer 25.80 % (Apple)
EtreCheckPro 10.98 % (Etresoft, Inc.)
Google Chrome Helper (Renderer) (16) 9.38 % (Google, Inc.)
Google Chrome 5.44 % (Google, Inc.)
kernel_task 5.17 % (Apple)

Top Processes Snapshot by Memory:
Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location)
Google Chrome Helper (Renderer) (16) 1.65 GB (Google, Inc.)
Microsoft Teams Helper (Renderer) (5) 575 MB (Microsoft Corporation)
EtreCheckPro 317 MB (Etresoft, Inc.)
kernel_task 298 MB (Apple)
Google Chrome 214 MB (Google, Inc.)

Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use:
Process Input / Output (Source - Location)
TeamViewer 929 KB / 418 KB (TeamViewer GmbH)
mDNSResponder 190 KB / 76 KB (Apple)
apsd 18 KB / 21 KB (Apple)
netbiosd 15 KB / 5 KB (Apple)
rapportd 12 KB / 7 KB (Apple)

Top Processes Snapshot by Energy Use:
Process (count) Energy (0-100) (Source - Location)
WindowServer 13 (Apple)
Google Chrome Helper (Renderer) (16) 6 (Google, Inc.)
coreaudiod 4 (Apple)
Google Chrome 3 (Google, Inc.)
Google Chrome Helper (3) 1 (Google, Inc.)

Virtual Memory Information:
Physical RAM: 8 GB

Free RAM: 323 MB
Used RAM: 5.17 GB
Cached files: 2.52 GB

Available RAM: 2.83 GB
Swap Used: 43 MB

Software Installs (past 30 days):
Install Date Name (Version)
2020-10-29 macOS Catalina 10.15.7 Update
2020-11-02 (4.2.112)
2020-11-04 VPN Unlimited (8.1.1)
2020-11-04 HP Smart (5.5.6)
2020-11-06 Zoom (5.4.58698.1027)
2020-11-13 Pages (10.0)
2020-11-13 Numbers (10.0)
2020-11-13 iMovie (10.2.1)
2020-11-15 XProtectPlistConfigData (2135)
2020-11-18 iFlicks (3.6)
2020-11-18 Dashlane (6.2044.0)
2020-11-23 macOS Catalina 10.15.7 Supplemental Update
2020-11-23 Safari (14.0.1)
2020-11-23 Microsoft Teams (1.00.328778)
2020-11-23 TeamViewer (15.11.6)
2020-11-23 macOS Big Sur (11.0.1)
2020-11-23 macOS 11.0.1 (11.0.1)
2020-11-23 MRTConfigData (1.72)
2020-11-24 Dashlane for Safari (6.2046.0)
2020-11-24 AdBlock (1.27.0)
2020-11-24 Simplenote (2.4)

Clean up:
~/Library/Application Support/CleanMyMac 3/CleanMyMac 3
Executable not found
/Applications/Utilities/Adobe Creative Cloud/ACC/Creative Cloud
Executable not found

Diagnostics Information (past 7-30 days):
2020-11-25 12:09:35 photoanalysisd - High CPU Use
Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PhotoAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/Support/photoanalysisd

2020-11-24 20:07:21 Adobe Lightroom Classic - Crash
Executable: /Applications/Adobe Lightroom Classic CC/Adobe Lightroom Classic
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistency
Exception', reason: '<NSToolTipPanel: 0x7fa22eb168c0>: An -observeValu
eForKeyPath:eek:fObject:change:context: message was received but not hand
Key path: effectiveAppearance
Observed object: <AgPanelWindow: 0x7fa22d2fcc70>
Change: {
kind = 1;
new = "<NSCompositeAppearance: 0x6000016f3b00>";
old = "<NSCompositeAppearance: 0x6000016f3b00>";
Context: 0x7fff88bcb5a0'
terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
abort() called

2020-11-24 18:10:19 cloudphotod - High CPU Use
Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudPhotoLibrary.framework/Versions/A/Support/cloudphotod

2020-11-24 15:45:38 WindowServer - High CPU Use
Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer

2020-11-23 22:18:59 - Crash (2 times)
Executable: /Applications/
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

End of report
I am not an expert but the mention of IO in

Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[0B7C9486-9719-3CAD-A5FF-E4B93A2CE4E6]@0xffffff801f75c000-

....usually means disk read and write problems.

You could try running Apple Diagnostics on it. Reboot holding D key down.
I am not an expert but the mention of IO in

Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[0B7C9486-9719-3CAD-A5FF-E4B93A2CE4E6]@0xffffff801f75c000-

....usually means disk read and write problems.

You could try running Apple Diagnostics on it. Reboot holding D key down.
Thanks for the reply.

I tried that previously but just tried again and it says all is fine with a result code ADP000
Thanks for the reply.

I tried that previously but just tried again and it says all is fine with a result code ADP000

I guess if it is intermittent, AHD may miss the fault.

Another thing you could try would be cloning to an external and running from that for a while. If it never panics you know that the problem is something bad about the internal drive.
I guess if it is intermittent, AHD may miss the fault.

Another thing you could try would be cloning to an external and running from that for a while. If it never panics you know that the problem is something bad about the internal drive.

Literally cloning to an external drive now to try that :)
You didn't mention resetting SMC in your OP..... worth trying if it continues.

When all else has failed you could do a fresh install onto the internal with no third party software and see if that panics. If it doesn't then you know it was something in your software.

IME panics can be very difficult to pin down. Things I look for are "Kernel Extensions in backtrace", "Process name corresponding to current thread" and "last started kext". If you are having a series of panics and the same things keep appearing you may learn something, but very often there is no consistency and you are left rolling the dice by trying different things.
You didn't mention resetting SMC in your OP..... worth trying if it continues.

When all else has failed you could do a fresh install onto the internal with no third party software and see if that panics. If it doesn't then you know it was something in your software.

IME panics can be very difficult to pin down. Things I look for are "Kernel Extensions in backtrace", "Process name corresponding to current thread" and "last started kext". If you are having a series of panics and the same things keep appearing you may learn something, but very often there is no consistency and you are left rolling the dice by trying different things.
Yeah reset SMC as well - it crashed about 15 mins after that.

Finished cloning onto the external now so will reboot from that and see what happens. Thanks for the suggestions so far.
I’ve now run a full surface scan by booting from an external hard drive and using Tech Tool Pro and it says that there are no errors on my internal drive.

It’s not crashed yet though running from the external hard (its extremely slow though) which suggests that it is the internal hard drive? Despite there being no errors?
I don't think a surface scan rules out all I/O errors. There could be other things wrong with the internal.

If it has been running much longer on the external than the interval between panics on the internal then it looks like the internal is the problem. But you did say it was sometimes some hours between panics.
I don't think a surface scan rules out all I/O errors. There could be other things wrong with the internal.

If it has been running much longer on the external than the interval between panics on the internal then it looks like the internal is the problem. But you did say it was sometimes some hours between panics.
Its def the internal drive as I rebooted this morning using that and it crashed after an hour - but ran for hours last night on the external.

There appear to be well known issues with the logic board mine has but no recalls that I can find.

Am I screwed then? The only way to fix it is to replace the whole logic board as its all soldered on?
Its def the internal drive as I rebooted this morning using that and it crashed after an hour - but ran for hours last night on the external.

There appear to be well known issues with the logic board mine has but no recalls that I can find.

Am I screwed then? The only way to fix it is to replace the whole logic board as its all soldered on?

I am out of my depth when it comes to logic board repair and replacements. I expect you could find another 2016 MacBook being sold for spares and try to mix and match.

I have not heard of a "well known issue" with the 2016 logic boards. The internet has a tendency for issues to become "well known" when people find others have had the same problem, even though in reality the percentage is very small.

Depending how you use the machine, booting off a small Samsung T5 might be a way of getting some more use out of it.
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