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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 7, 2010
Hi - after installing 10.13.5 I've had my mouse get stuck for about 10 seconds about every 30 seconds. It has happened once a day for a few days now. Reboot helps, and I've found nothing else helpful. After a reboot it stays away for many hours.

System log has this line every time there's a stall: "kernel stalling for detach from iohidsystem".

During the stall the cursor and screen updates are paused, including the beach ball. None of the controllers make the computer respond. After the stall, if I click on some window, button or other UI widget, the stall starts again. But not all windows or buttons do this. Sometimes it's Finder, sometimes Console, sometimes the Shutdown dialog, including the Shutdown button itself. Yet I can sometimes click around for 10-20 seconds before one of the clicks makes it pause. It happens exactly at the mouse click. Doesn't matter if it's trackpad or mouse, both bluetooth.

It keeps stuttering even after I remove every wired accessory I have. Google and this forum had nothing about this problem. IOHIDSystem is a kernel driver, so very low level Apple stuff.

I've booked a call with Apple, but the iMac 5K 2014 is out of warranty, so let's see. Any suggestions or advice? I already know about diskutil verifydisk, SMC/NVRAM reset, safe boot, combo update and reinstall, so no need to mention those. I'll consider them next, but also trying to get some work done in the meanwhile.
No. And it continues with Mojave beta test. I can repeat it by using Omnigraffle 6 or 7 for a few hours. But maybe that’s because it’s my main “work horse” app. I can’t blame Omnigraffle for the kernel getting stuck in some silly internal loop.

Leaving the computer alone won’t induce the problem.

Quitting Omnigraffle won’t help after it happens. Quitting everything won’t help. Only a reboot does. And even the reboot dialog is stuck between every click. As is the keyboard, all input. Yet the screen refreshes normally. No beach ball.

Can you repeat the problem somehow? Apple couldn’t find anything in its knowledge database during a support call. Google is almost quiet on it too.

It only happens on my 2014 iMac. Not on 2017 MacBook. They have a relatively similar and simple software configuration. And it started after installing the latest High Sierra release, continuing after Mojave beta test.
Update: Now it started on my MacBook 2017 / High Sierra as well. Clean install from yesterday, restored manually without using Time Machine. Today I installed my normal set of software, nothing exotic or kernel-level stuff.

The problem started during Xcode installation, but I don't think it's related to Xcode (nor Omnigraffle). During a keyboard-initiated reboot it went all in with a kernel panic. I'll call Apple support tomorrow, and they'd better escalate to next level. Another Mac a day after a clean install. Hmm...

Wed Jul 4 23:40:08 2018

*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8012187d3d): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7f9430e57c, type 14=page fault, registers:


Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[BAA0383C-9650-3934-B04A-69008F757A2C]@0xffffff7f942f3000->0xffffff7f94389fff


Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 17.6.0: Tue May 8 15:22:16 PDT 2018; root:xnu-4570.61.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64
This might be related to using BetterTouchTool. I'll continue tracking the issue here:

Apple's second level support advice was to switch from APSF to HFS+. They weren't willing to look at any logs before that. Lots of work, but luckily it appears I won't be needing their help, so I won't go on doing that. I can't see any reason why this problem would be related to file systems.
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