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Kamil Marchwiany

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 11, 2020
I own the 2017 MacBook Pro 15 inch with Touch Bar currently running Mojave and I’m faced with an irritating issue where the keyboard and trackpad only work in recovery or option boot. I need to attach an external to do anything.

I’ve tried reinstalling the OSX
SMC reset
PRAM reset

I recently got it to temporarily work by deleting all of the plist files in Library/System/Preferences, however I did an SMC reset after I rebooted the computer and the problem came back. Deleting plist files did nothing.

Apple customer support are completely clueless and no help. This is a SOFTWARE issue and has no fix. Apple just ignoring the problem.

Are there ANY other possible solutions?
It doesn’t work in safe mode either but I just got it fixed but I’m not sure if this will be temp or not. I noticed that under system report - software - extensions the keyboard was not loaded. I did csrutil disable rebooted still didn’t work. Then I did csrutil enable and smc/pram reset and everything seems to work. Previously smc and pram was not working. Not sure why the heck csrutil did anything.

my hope is that this won’t be temp but I don’t understand the architecture enough to know
Yeah, hard to see the connection. You said it was temporarily fixed after deleting the plist files too, but that trying that again didn't work. Could just be a coincidence in both cases, could be just that it's intermittent.

What you said about the driver not being listed is interesting. You're talking about AppleUSBTCKeyboard?

Have you run some program before that might have affected which drivers load?
I own the 2017 MacBook Pro 15 inch with Touch Bar currently running Mojave and I’m faced with an irritating issue where the keyboard and trackpad only work in recovery or option boot. I need to attach an external to do anything.

I’ve tried reinstalling the OSX
SMC reset
PRAM reset

I recently got it to temporarily work by deleting all of the plist files in Library/System/Preferences, however I did an SMC reset after I rebooted the computer and the problem came back. Deleting plist files did nothing.

Apple customer support are completely clueless and no help. This is a SOFTWARE issue and has no fix. Apple just ignoring the problem.

Are there ANY other possible solutions?
This is quite a late reply, I know, but I now have exactly the same problem. Once I boot into Catalina the mouse cursor sits in the top left corner and I can only move it with an external mouse. As soon as I shut down the computer and boot with ALT+power pressed I can use both, the keyboard and the built in trackpad. This is indeed a software issue and I was wondering if you have since solved it.
That's a fair point. However, I can boot into recovery with CMD+R pressed and don't have to enter a pwd. I guess there is no pwd set.
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