I recently bought a "refurbished" Mid 2007 MacBook from a company called 'altatac' off eBay. Since I only paid $130 for it, I wasn't expecting it to work perfectly. The reason I quoted refurbished is because the computer didn't actually have a refurbished body, rather it only had its operating system restored back to the original (Mac OS X Leopard 10.5). Now I did discover dozens of 1-star ratings for this company after I bought the machine, and hastily concluded that I had been scammed. However the computer appeared to be fully working upon arrival. In fact, I used it for about an hour without any problems.
This however did not last, because as I returned home after a couple hours, the battery started acting strangely after I resumed using the machine. Initially the battery charge was at 60%, and suddenly had dropped down to 7% in an instant. In response, I decided to connect the MagSafe charger so it wouldn't shut off, however upon doing this, the screen immediately went black and the light on the charger also went out. Now I see why this third-party company has tons of negative reviews: They sell defective computers.
Well, I took the computer apart to do some inspection, the first thing I noticed was the non-genuine battery that was installed. I believe that the battery had fried the motherboard since the specifications do not concur with the original Apple battery - The original battery operates at 10.8 volts @ 5200 milliamps, this one also operates at 10.8 volts, but at 5600 milliamps. I also found out that the charger the computer came with is not genuine either.
I confirmed that the MacBook is completely dead since I even tried plugging it in with no battery and had no response. My word of advice is DO NOT buy from third-party companies; only buy from private sellers. Private sellers are generally more honest with you when it comes to trading used computers.
This however did not last, because as I returned home after a couple hours, the battery started acting strangely after I resumed using the machine. Initially the battery charge was at 60%, and suddenly had dropped down to 7% in an instant. In response, I decided to connect the MagSafe charger so it wouldn't shut off, however upon doing this, the screen immediately went black and the light on the charger also went out. Now I see why this third-party company has tons of negative reviews: They sell defective computers.
Well, I took the computer apart to do some inspection, the first thing I noticed was the non-genuine battery that was installed. I believe that the battery had fried the motherboard since the specifications do not concur with the original Apple battery - The original battery operates at 10.8 volts @ 5200 milliamps, this one also operates at 10.8 volts, but at 5600 milliamps. I also found out that the charger the computer came with is not genuine either.
I confirmed that the MacBook is completely dead since I even tried plugging it in with no battery and had no response. My word of advice is DO NOT buy from third-party companies; only buy from private sellers. Private sellers are generally more honest with you when it comes to trading used computers.