- Purchased early 2015 iMac 5K and had it 3-weeks before the announcement of the late 2015 iMac 5K refresh.
- Called Apple and they happily said I could return it even though it was outside the 14 -day return window.
- Apple setup the return and issued a 2-day Fedex return shipping tag, postage paid by Apple
- I attached the tag and the very next day dropped it off at the local Fedex store
- Watched the tracking and noticed it was stuck at the Indianapolis, IN Fedex location
- Called Fedex after it had sat there beyond delivery date to Apple
- Fedex was a bunch of ******s.....confirmed the package was lost but they had no idea and kept asking me a bunch of ridiculous information.They kept claiming the shipping tag was not attached properly. They needed S/N, model #, complete description, color, size, then they would look for it, otherwise they could never find it. Geez, the damn thing is 4' x 3' and 35lbs box how can you possibly lose that? I was transferred about 6 times and on the phone for well over an hour. Not very friendly folks.
- Fedex said I should wait another week to see if they can find it.
- I decided to call Apple and see if they can assist..........
- Apple verified the lost package by contacting Fedex immediately.
- Apple said they don't want the customer having to deal with this and immediately credit my account for the full purchase price including Applecare and said they will deal with Fedex to resolve.
- Kudos to Apple!
btw - I seriously believe someone at Fedex ripped it off.......easy to identify what it is inside by the box and size. But, no longer my concern.