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macrumors 6502a
Aug 15, 2007
Austin, Texas
No offense, but like optical drives and Firewire, a keyboard and a mouse aren't exactly used in the professional space these days. Break the paradigm.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 15, 2007
Austin, Texas
I DO think you nailed the packaging. How silly. My $12K HP at least came with the minimum keyboard and mouse to get the damn thing started (even though I use my Apple keyboard with it).


macrumors 65816
Jun 30, 2007
My theory is that Ive would've demanded there be a color-matched keyboard and mouse -- as the current white/silver Apple peripherals would look very out of place -- and Tim didn't want to create special keyboards and mice just for one Mac that has low sales numbers.


Apr 15, 2004
Because pros already have their favorite input devices.

Want to know where the mouse that came with my 2008 Mac Pro is? Still sitting in the box, over 5 years later.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 10, 2009
Because pros already have their favorite input devices.

Want to know where the mouse that came with my 2008 Mac Pro is? Still sitting in the box, over 5 years later.

Pretty much this. Apple's peripherals are truthfully not very good anyway. The keyboard is passable, the mouse is terrible.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 10, 2009
I prefer the keyboard over any other. The mice have always been garbage.

To each his own, of course, but I use a mechanical and cannot get over the shallowness of chiclet types. But yeah, the mice are terrible and have been since the single button days. The puck might've been the worst (sorry, echoout).


macrumors 6502
Sep 7, 2010
Definitely, they didn't want to throw in a mouse and keyboard as the packaging would be a whole lot bigger. And I like that!

More importantly though, most pros buying this computer would already be set up with their peripherals of choice.

I have a Logitech G500s mouse and some random cheap-but-nice keyboard that doesn't slay my fingers like the Mac keyboards. If I were to buy a Mac Pro and they included a keyboard and mouse, well it'd just mean one more Mac keyboard/mouse combo on eBay. Nice waste of resources.

I really like that they did away with the manuals and just gave you some nice photos!


macrumors 604
Aug 10, 2010
I am glad. Last thing I need is another apple keyboard with poor key travel and rubbish ergonomics. Don't get me started on the mouse.


macrumors newbie
Aug 13, 2007
I thought it was because the Mac Pro is built in the USA while the keyboard and mouse are made elsewhere - so it's not easy to combine them when packaging or something?


macrumors 65832
May 1, 2005
I suppose they're going more along the Mac Mini route, as most professionals already have input devices, or are likely to buy some more specifically tailored to their needs.

Personally I like the Apple keyboard and mouse, but even so I'm happier for them not to bundle it as I already have three keyboards and a spare mouse. I just wish they'd release a pro (full-size) wireless keyboard, the current laptop style one isn't great if you want to use apps with tons of keyboard shortcuts, or 3d apps that like to use the keypad.


Oct 22, 2010
It's pretty obvious why there is no keyboard or mouse shipped with your $3-10k computer. It is not simply to cut corners or increase margins.
It is because they didn't want the box to be too much bigger than the Mac Pro itself.
Tim's apple is obsessed with thin and small computing devices.
John Ive is obsessed with blank featureless designs which put form before function. (can't we just get the power button and headphone jack in front?)

Get those two together and the only logical conclusion is a featureless tiny black computer in a slightly larger featureless black box.

Now can someone please buy this kidney...
I've almost enough to pick up my nMP.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, you want headphone jack and power butting on a WORKSTATION in the front. Nice joke!

Those machines are turned on and usually never turned off. And they are NOT your multimedia centres to listen music. HHAHAHAHAHAHHHA

Apple targets very specific market and that market doesn't need these things


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
It's pretty obvious why there is no keyboard or mouse shipped with your $3-10k computer. It is not simply to cut corners or increase margins.
It is because they didn't want the box to be too much bigger than the Mac Pro itself.
Tim's apple is obsessed with thin and small computing devices.
John Ive is obsessed with blank featureless designs which put form before function. (can't we just get the power button and headphone jack in front?)

Get those two together and the only logical conclusion is a featureless tiny black computer in a slightly larger featureless black box.

Now can someone please buy this kidney...
I've almost enough to pick up my nMP.

Nope, it's because the bean counters told him you save X amount of money per Mac Pro unit by having the box this big with no keyboard or mouse, and then they told him the target market will have mice and keyboards anyway.

Trust me, money money money is what it's ALL about on that one, they will be saving a massive amount on packaging, distribution, shipping, just by not including them, also they make more profit as the prices would be the same I bet even with mice and keyboards but their profit would take a hit.


macrumors regular
Sep 27, 2007
Because pros already have their favorite input devices.

Want to know where the mouse that came with my 2008 Mac Pro is? Still sitting in the box, over 5 years later.

+1 I'm glad i am not paying for a keyboard and a mouse which i will never use.


macrumors 6502
Jan 23, 2011
No offense, but like optical drives and Firewire, a keyboard and a mouse aren't exactly used in the professional space these days. Break the paradigm.

I would love to see your Professional space
especially after you get your nMPmini,
Cables will be handing all over place

Beta Particle

macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2012
If you're buying a high-end system like the Mac Pro, buy a high-end keyboard to go with it. Treat your fingers to some Topre keyswitches.

I like the HHKB Pro 2 Type-S, as the aesthetics match the original Macintosh Keyboard.


It's a shame that the aluminum models were a limited run.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 13, 2013
Folks, I think there's a simpler reason; they couldn't or didn't want to fit a keyboard and mouse in the box. The mouse is easy, but normally the keyboard is the wired big one, not the wireless. With either keyboard there's no good way to include it, without changing the simplicity, size and symmetry of the box. So they just decided to leave it out. The box is really small which highlights the size of the computer.

Additionally it would look obvious that they didn't come out with a black keyboard/mouse version, which I'm sure they don't intend to do because its such a small market. Better to just leave it out, nobody will care.


macrumors 6502
Jul 16, 2011
Utica, NY, USA
+1 I'm glad i am not paying for a keyboard and a mouse which i will never use.

I'll toss another +1 onto the pile. I already have a "Magic Mouse" gathering dust in a drawer. As has been said many times, it's a fair bet the target audience for this computer already has a suite of input devices they use; if they don't, just add them to taste. All bases covered.

flat five

macrumors 603
Feb 6, 2007
it's not as if the old mac pro included these items for free.

when configuring, they acted as credit towards other items if you wanted to do it like that (you could exchange a track pad for a keyboard etc. iirc)

in a way, it's better that they're not force selling the keyboard & mouse.. especially the mouse.

also, i think $2999.99 with no peripheral looks better from a buyer pov as opposed to $3099.99 with mouse & keyboard included.. same thing with the quad ram.. if you want to fill the 4th slot then add it at time of purchase to make the $3099.99 number.. or a keyboard or a mouse etc..
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