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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 11, 2012
New Jersey
For those of you who have the iPad Pro w/ Smart Cover, are you able to use this comfortable on let's say a couch while on your lap? Or does the thing wobble if you try to type? Are there other accessories that work better?

I'm considering purchasing the 10.5 IPP for leisure web browsing and light tasks and getting an iMac, or macbook pro w/ EGPU, or building a gaming PC for desktop related tasks. But if the IPP isn't great for lounging and using it on the go, that kind of spoils what I was going for here. :(
12.9 is less easy to balance on a lap/couch back. 9.7 is easy/good lapable/couchbackable/etc.
Ist my prefererend hang and lounge device.
I find the 12.9 better; the 9.7 is too small for my lap and almost fell in between my legs a few times
Sitting with my Legs crossed I can balance it easily. Sitting with my Legs straight the 12.9 is indeed the requiered width.
12.9 is less easy to balance on a lap/couch back. 9.7 is easy/good lapable/couchbackable/etc.
Ist my prefererend hang and lounge device.
Sitting with my Legs crossed I can balance it easily. Sitting with my Legs straight the 12.9 is indeed the requiered width.

I prefer to sit with my legs straight when using the iPad, hence the comment
The 12.9 works fine on my lap, that's how I'm using it now. I wouldn't want to do long-form typing on the soft-keyboard but otherwise it's as good (or better) than any of the smaller keyboards. I really like having a number key row, for example.
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