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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 26, 2011
I just downloaded the latest MacOS public Beta on two MBPs. I know. I've already given myself a dope slap. Twice,

The menu bar has a new, clean look. That is, the only fields that show up are the Apple logo on the left, Siri, Time machine and Calendar on the right. File, Edit View, etc are all blank. Drop down menus are also blank.

Even within Feedback Assistant, the drop down menus are blank. Had to home in, by trial and error, filling in various choices until I finally got "Menu Bar" to appear in the FA box.

Same is true for various Apps. as in MS Word, Excel, etc. No content
Pop down menu.jpg
in the drop down menus.

I don't know if this is due to interference with some of the software I am running or not, but I would advise people to be shy about downloading this version.
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but I would advise people to be shy about downloading this version.
Nice statement with no reference to the actual Beta version you are talking about❓ Also no mention of the version of Word or Excel❓

Note - I have had none of those issues.

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MBP are 13" M1 and 16" (Intel) from 2020. I concur it is odd. For a moment I wondered if the was Jony Ive's spirit, eliminating all that clutter when drop-down menus appear? You don't appreciate the GUI until it disappears. Trouble is, I actually use these things.
Since the dropdown menus aren't populated, it's hard to answer your Qs about versions, but I keep everything up-to-date. Whichever version of the public Beta that was released Monday is the culprit.
And, to reiterate, it is not just Word and Excel. It is Safari, Finder, Pages, Numbers... It is a systemic issue not software-specific. I disabled all startup items, to no avail. Also tried "Safe" mode. No improvement.
I gather that most people are not having issues with the Public beta. Flowrider must have meant "I have had none of these issues." That's good to know. I look forward to the next release. Either more "chestnuts" or restored functionality?
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