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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 18, 2008
New York City
I am a hardcore and devoted Quicksilver user, and have been using it - for everything - since I discovered it in 2004.

These days with every new machine, and every new operating system, I wonder what I'll do when QS can't keep up, or the volunteer developers have better things to do.

So I looked up Alfred and Launchbar. I'm trying both (but haven't bought the powerpack yet). My initial sense is that Launchbar will fit my flow better - it's more Quicksilver like in its type-to-enact. I'm good with keyboard shortcuts generally, but not looking to add a million new shortcuts to my life. It seems like with Launchbar - as with Quicksilver - you can locate and act on files, perform functions, and get work done without really looking at the screen.

But then I noticed that Launchbar hasn't been (is this right?) updated since 2014, and that the forums aren't very lively. Does this mean that if I go through the headache of moving from QS to LB, I'm just going to have to learn the ways of Alfred two years later? Is the writing on the wall for Launchbar?

Any other info you have about which system its more worth sinking time into the learning curve of would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
But then I noticed that Launchbar hasn't been (is this right?) updated since 2014, and that the forums aren't very lively. Does this mean that if I go through the headache of moving from QS to LB, I'm just going to have to learn the ways of Alfred two years later? Is the writing on the wall for Launchbar?
Not right. Where did not updated since 2014 come from? Check the developers website. There have been many releases and updates since 2014. The most recent was Jan. 11, 2018.

It is hard to predict the future with Launchbar or Alfred, because software can become orphans at any time. But, at this time, both are actively supported. I'm not sure anyone here can definitely answer your future support concerns.
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I have used alfred in the past its very good. Never used launchbar but it used to be around since the OS 9 days.

alfred gets constant update and its better to use than spotlight. i just don't use it any more because I try to use as little apps as possible and I get by using Spotlight. Alfred has a free version that works great.
Have not tried Lacona.
Am really liking Launchbar as a replacement for Quicksilver. It is similar enough that the learning curve is not too steep. I haven't found too much yet that I'm missing - so maybe I should have done this years ago.

I don't think Alfred would be for me.
Tough call. I have both. There are some tasks that are easier (well, for me anyway) in Alfred, largely due to customization and the availability of workflows that others have made. For example, I use one all the time to run exiftool and show me photo metadata or dump it to a file. Not sure I could ever do that in Launchbar.

But for application launching, calculator, and clipboard I spend more time in LB.

And I use Super Tab as well. I got used to it after I stopped using DragThing, for sets of applications to chose from (I sometimes forget an obscure utility's name, so it's easier for me to see them). I think I might be able now to do some of the same thing in either LB or Alfred, but Super Tab just works.
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