If you've not seen it yet I would give the Mike Rockwell interview on WWDC Talk Show with John Gruber a watch. It's very interesting to hear more about the development of Vision Pro and also just to hear the passion and detail that has gone into this product. The Rockwell interview is about 38 minutes in.
A few things stood out to me which I've not yet seen mentioned:
A few things stood out to me which I've not yet seen mentioned:
- Lenticular display for EyeSight - The EyeSight feature uses a lenticular display, and the first ever curved one, to display your eyes and face three dimensionally set back so it appears you are wearing the headset in front of them. This display technology employs vertical prism lenses to achieve the effect and then they render multiple different versions of your eyes at different angles so it looks convincing wherever you are viewed from. So if I'm viewing someone from the right I will see a different image to if I viewed someone front on etc. This sounds very cool.
- More EyeSight -: When you are immersed in a different environment a blurred Siri like effect appears on the external display. As we have seen if someone approaches you they break through into your environment in the headset but at the same time your eyes then appear on the external display so they can see you.
- Point controls - As well as eye tracking you can also just point and touch items as you would on an iPhone
- Personas are volumetric - Rockwell hinted that what we've seen from personas so far isn't everything. They will also be able to break out of flat windows and I assume be physically in your space in three dimensions as they are volumetric models. He said there was a brief glimpse of this at the end of a demo but I haven't seen this anywhere yet.
- Hand identifying - Your hands are identified and isolated so they appear on top of any content/interface you are seeing. There are also some circumstances where you can push through that content and your hands appear behind it.
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