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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 20, 2007
You guys have been quick to pile on Apple's third-party manufacturing factories in China for treating their workers without the proper dignity and respect...

But you're currently miffed that they're not churning out your WATCH fast enough for a quicker delivery date.

We can't have our cake and eat it too. ;)


macrumors 68000
Oct 2, 2013
I think those workers in China (I'm in China right now) are happy to earn a decent living.


macrumors 68020
Apr 21, 2007
I think those workers in China (I'm in China right now) are happy to earn a decent living.

Pay a man nothing and it is called slavery, pay him a nickel an hour then it is called capitalism.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 30, 2012
I'm hoping that we hear some sales numbers within the next day or two.

Apple has been making these watches since late February-early March, and with almost two months of manufacturing (between starting production and the actual release date of the 4/24) they have either sold a metric butt-ton of watches or the manufacturing yield has been extremely poor.

Maybe those quality control issues (a thread here linked an article saying that less than 30% of watches being made didn't have some sort of QC issue) we read about on here in March were true?


macrumors G3
Jul 24, 2009
Demand outstrips supply with apple frequently and tbh I'll happily wait for a quality product. There is a lot of hand processing in the apple watch. Name a manufacturer of quality hand finished watches that could produce this quantity quicker?!

As for the whole Chinese workers thing, well they que up for the jobs so it can't be that bad ;)


macrumors 601
Aug 31, 2007
Land of the Free-Waiting for Term Limits
I find this entire release odd. I did not buy one, but I read the news like everyone else on the boards.

Tim announces it Sept 9 2014, 213+ days ago.
Pre-orders sell out in minutes.
Personally, I find it hard to believe they had millions built.

I don't recall if same was done on iPhone or not, but I do remember just walking in and buying one a couple of weeks after release.


macrumors G3
Jun 24, 2010
You guys have been quick to pile on Apple's third-party manufacturing factories in China for treating their workers without the proper dignity and respect...

But you're currently miffed that they're not churning out your WATCH fast enough for a quicker delivery date.

We can't have our cake and eat it too. ;)

What phone are you using?


macrumors 65816
Jun 20, 2010
You guys have been quick to pile on Apple's third-party manufacturing factories in China for treating their workers without the proper dignity and respect...

But you're currently miffed that they're not churning out your WATCH fast enough for a quicker delivery date.

We can't have our cake and eat it too. ;)
It's not that
They should have pushed the launch back a month or known what supply they would have before the debacle


macrumors G3
Oct 5, 2008
I think it's more or less, we are giving Apple our money weeks in advanced and getting these ridiculous dates. But, on the bright side, the money doesn't come out until it ships. Hopefully people remember weeks and months down the road that nearly $500 or more is coming out their account. Lol.


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
I think it's more or less, we are giving Apple our money weeks in advanced and getting these ridiculous dates. But, on the bright side, the money doesn't come out until it ships. Hopefully people remember weeks and months down the road that nearly $500 or more is coming out their account. Lol.

Banks love this because they can make a ton of fees on unsuspecting people.


macrumors 68020
Jan 26, 2008
You guys have been quick to pile on Apple's third-party manufacturing factories in China for treating their workers without the proper dignity and respect...

But you're currently miffed that they're not churning out your WATCH fast enough for a quicker delivery date.

We can't have our cake and eat it too. ;)
You are correct. I find a bit of hypocrisy in that as well.


macrumors 68000
Oct 2, 2013
Let's be totally honest...

I guess the nets around the building are for aesthetics then

If they had better options, they would quit and go there.
China is the most capitalist economy in the world.
It's the Westerners who mistakenly believe that these people need to be rescued.

No, this is what rapid economic development from a third world nation into the first world looks like.

GDP per capita in China is about 6000 USD.
Software engineers out of universities often make only about 1000 dollars per month, even though a nice studio in Beijing costs 1000 dollars a month.
Salaries in China are low throughout society.
Why should Apple overpay these workers if there are many willing to work for this much and do a good job?


macrumors P6
Oct 23, 2010
If they had better options, they would quit and go there.
China is the most capitalist economy in the world.
It's the Westerners who mistakenly believe that these people need to be rescued.

No, this is what rapid economic development from a third world nation into the first world looks like.

Well, there is still too much state intervention and outright state ownership of large enterprises to consider China the "most capitalist economy in the world." That distinction might go to Hong Kong (technically part of China, but still quite different). However, your basic point is right in that they have greatly liberalized their economy over the last 30 years and are moving more people out of poverty more quickly than any other country in the history of the world (of course, they have more people to lift out of poverty than any other country in the history of the world, with India right behind them).


macrumors 6502a
Mar 1, 2011
I find this entire release odd. I did not buy one, but I read the news like everyone else on the boards.

Tim announces it Sept 9 2014, 213+ days ago.
Pre-orders sell out in minutes.
Personally, I find it hard to believe they had millions built.

I don't recall if same was done on iPhone or not, but I do remember just walking in and buying one a couple of weeks after release.

It has indeed been strange. The fact that I watched with my very eyes, shipping dates slip in MINUTES was super strange.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 20, 2013
You guys have been quick to pile on Apple's third-party manufacturing factories in China for treating their workers without the proper dignity and respect...

But you're currently miffed that they're not churning out your WATCH fast enough for a quicker delivery date.

We can't have our cake and eat it too. ;)

Thanks for pointing this out. I agree. As protest for the deplorable working conditions in China and most of the world, I cancelled my order. I would appreciate it if you would identify those items in your life that aren't essentials and are produced by the oppressed and that you will now be disposing of.
If you have an iPhone, that MUST be the first to go.


Oct 17, 2013
Central California
You guys have been quick to pile on Apple's third-party manufacturing factories in China for treating their workers without the proper dignity and respect...

But you're currently miffed that they're not churning out your WATCH fast enough for a quicker delivery date.

We can't have our cake and eat it too. ;)

Had nothing to do with China. Might want to get your facts straight before jumping on top of that high horse.

The problem with the lack of watches is centered in South Korea and a company called LG that can't produce enough quality OLED displays. Apple should have gone with Samsung... again.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 13, 2009
San Jose, CA
I think it's more or less, we are giving Apple our money weeks in advanced and getting these ridiculous dates. But, on the bright side, the money doesn't come out until it ships. Hopefully people remember weeks and months down the road that nearly $500 or more is coming out their account. Lol.

they took the money from my AmEx they will have my money, and I will have no product, for a month already


macrumors P6
Oct 23, 2010
Had nothing to do with China. Might want to get your facts straight before jumping on top of that high horse.

The problem with the lack of watches is centered in South Korea and a company called LG that can't produce enough quality OLED displays. Apple should have gone with Samsung... again.

We don't know who is making the S1 chip. My guess is that Apple will go with Samsung for the S2 since Samsung has a 14nm process that would help Apple improve power consumption (i.e. extend the battery life). As for the displays, since Samsung has been using AMOLED a lot longer than Apple and in more devices, it's possible that Samsung Mobile has a lock on Samsung's capacity there. At the very least, Apple might not have the same kind of leverage it normally has on other components.


they took the money from my AmEx they will have my money, and I will have no product, for a month already

That might just be the pre-authorization.
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