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macrumors 601
Original poster
May 30, 2010
Does anyone else find the brightness indicator is really slow to catch up with keyboard clicks on the UltraFine?

I.e. this thing:

Screen Shot 2016-12-14 at 01.47.56.png

The sound indicator has no lag, but it takes a few seconds for the brightness one to catch up. It makes it hard to set it to the desired brightness.

I thought/hoped 10.12.2 would fix it but nope!
Yeah it's a bit annoying, but I only switch between 100% and three ticks / keyboard clicks down and that's ok to manage.
Ooh, someone with the 4k Ultrafine! I've had a hard time finding reviews for this.
How is it? Is there any animation/scrolling lag with your 2016 MBP? Feedback is greatly appreciated :)
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Wish I could have one of the Ultrafine monitors but I've been told there's no way I could use it effectively with my mid-2012 Retina MacBook Pro. Seeing as there's no chance I'll be buying a new Mac any time soon, I may have to settle with 2560 x 1440 being the highest resolution I can support. It's just annoying because I want a monitor which looks the same as the Retina display built into my Mac! But I don't want it if that means running it at less than 30Hz!

Currently using two 1080 monitors at 144Hz, but looking to move on as I don't use the second one very much and they're look very bad compared to Retina. Also the colour is off I think - I wanna get a high res IPS if possible.
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