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macrumors newbie
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Jul 23, 2018
I've been using LifeFlix for some time and like it, but have to upgrade to OSX 64-bit.

Anyone know if LifeFlix offers a 64-bit version?
The app I have is 32-bit and I haven't found an answer on LifeFlix website.
RE: Lifeflix "Scenes." When importing, tape segments are broken into scenes, which I think are supposed to be generated as it detects the camera starts and stops as originally filmed. These scenes don't appear to be accurate, but makes me wonder if there are advantages.

Do most LifeFlix users here like using these scenes or prefer just one complete video without "scenes"?
Speaking in terms of iMovie, it's easier to edit a number of short clips rather than one log clip.

Just curious, but why pay $99 for something that you can do for free with iMovie?
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I already have FCPX, but I would think some have a preference for "scenes" or no scenes. I can use as one large video, but just wondered what others preferred.

Also, I haven't found a forum that specializes in LifeFlix. Anyone know if there is one?
There's no LifeFlix forum sadly. Some people prefer "scenes" while others use it for more archival & future-proofing purposes.
My plan is to get every tape into digital form for future-proofing, and access each at will for editing.
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