Ihope Apple don't remove the light lightening port to charge the iPhone on future iPhones because I've just found a good reason for them not to. Last night my iPhone was in need of charging when I got in and because I don't have a landline , I thought I'll charge it and then make an important call I needed to make before 5pm. Well I got in and put my iPhone one the charging stand and it didn't charge. The reason for this was Ihad lost connection because my provider was working on it . So I had to use the lightening port to charge it while I had no connection. I'm fortunate because I have a 6s I can revert to if my 8 plus was incapable of this but , it is one reason why I think Apple should thinK? Especially if someone is in my position with only one mobile or as I am a wheelchair user and needed it urgently.