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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 10, 2014
So I have had this Macbook Air for about a month? I was just cleaning the screen and while pouring some screen cleaner onto my cloth I split a little bit on the keyboard... Not alot at all but there was some. Everything works fine and I don't think much got in as I wiped it up as quickly as possible (The keyboard is clean now in case you were wondering). The only thing I'm worried about is if there is some liquid damage indicator in the keyboard in case I ever had to get a repair in the future?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 10, 2014
Okay good :p Everything works fine so I don't think that much got in, so I think were all good then


macrumors newbie
Jul 22, 2016
Even if everything is working fine if you take it to Apple and they see any signs of liquid damage you will not be covered even if no indicator stickers turned red.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 10, 2014
Even if everything is working fine if you take it to Apple and they see any signs of liquid damage you will not be covered even if no indicator stickers turned red.
Most of the water rested on the keys, I can't see how much of the water could've got in as I turned it over right away.
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