What am I missing
-AntennaGate iphone 4
-HeatGate various including ipad
-Displaygate various
-Bendgate iphone 6
-soundgate noise in back of phone - iphone -7 or 8
-scratchgate or smudgegate 5 and 5S
-Surfing macrumors gets the phone hot gate
-Qualcomm vs Intel chip gate
-batterygate various
-AntennaGate iphone 4
-HeatGate various including ipad
-Displaygate various
-Bendgate iphone 6
-soundgate noise in back of phone - iphone -7 or 8
-scratchgate or smudgegate 5 and 5S
-Surfing macrumors gets the phone hot gate
-Qualcomm vs Intel chip gate
-batterygate various
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