So it was working, but now when I flip through photos, none of the small movements happen. They do work when I press, but when I switch photos it stays still and has no movements anymore. Is there a hidden setting I don't know about?
So it was working, but now when I flip through photos, none of the small movements happen. They do work when I press, but when I switch photos it stays still and has no movements anymore. Is there a hidden setting I don't know about?
I restored and started as new phone and it fixed it. Everything I restored from a backup from my 6+ it kept doing this. It was about time I've been meaning to clean up my phone.
I restored and started as new phone and it fixed it. Everything I restored from a backup from my 6+ it kept doing this. It was about time I've been meaning to clean up my phone.
Too late for me, I already did. I was actually planning on doing this eventually and now I had a reason. Also I forgot my restrictions password along time ago and eventually had to restart from scratch. Got rugrats at home and eventually I'm gonna need to have the restrictions password.
You know, starting from scratch really isn't as bad as it used to be for iOS. Lots of the settings are stored in your apps. What used to take a few hours, only took me about an hour and a half of restoring and putting in passwords again.
So it was working, but now when I flip through photos, none of the small movements happen. They do work when I press, but when I switch photos it stays still and has no movements anymore. Is there a hidden setting I don't know about?