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Jigga Beef

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 11, 2009
Philadelphia, Pa
I somehow have 2 versions of VLC on my Mac Pro. I see them both when I go to "Open With" I tired running the terminal command to clear out that directory.

I've installed VLC from my Applications Folder & emptied the trash

But when I go to Open with I still have 2 versions of VLC that are able to open and play video files.

I can't find where the app is stored, i used spotlight and came up with nothing, tried App Cleaner and I can't find it,

Is there a way to see when an app is open its folder path so I can locate it.
If Spotlight won't find it, it may be you've got a corrupted launch services database.
It happens.
Here's an AppleScript that rebuilds the database:
-- Rebuild Launch Services DB
-- BP2013
-- Modified from:
-- Adam Bell 2013

say "begin"
set flushLaunchSvcDB to "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user"
do shell script flushLaunchSvcDB
delay 1
do shell script "killall Finder"
say "done"

-Haven't tried this on High Sierra yet, but it works up through Sierra.
If Spotlight won't find it, it may be you've got a corrupted launch services database.
It happens.
Here's an AppleScript that rebuilds the database:
-- Rebuild Launch Services DB
-- BP2013
-- Modified from:
-- Adam Bell 2013

say "begin"
set flushLaunchSvcDB to "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user"
do shell script flushLaunchSvcDB
delay 1
do shell script "killall Finder"
say "done"

-Haven't tried this on High Sierra yet, but it works up through Sierra.
[doublepost=1511025456][/doublepost]I will try that but the App still opens that's why I know its still installed somewhere.
Another method would be to choose to launch one from the list of two. You will see that VLC is running in your Dock. Right-click on the VLC icon in the dock, choose Options, then Show in Finder. That will show exactly where that app is located, and should be the one in your Applications folder.
Quit VLC, then reopen through the Open with menu, choosing the second VLC in the list. Do the same process to discover where that app is located.
One of those will NOT be what you expect. You can drag that one to the trash.

It's possible that BOTH listings will show the same source app, probably a bug in Finder, or some programming bug in VLC itself. AND, likely one that you can choose to ignore, if there's no difference in the which item you choose in the Open window.
[doublepost=1511025456][/doublepost]the App still opens that's why I know its still installed somewhere.
If the database is corrupt, it can have two or more entries pointing to the same physical App file. I've seen as many as 5 different "Open with Adobe Photoshop CS5" entries in my "Open with menu". If the
find /Applications -name "*VLC*"
works, great! If not, you probably have one copy of the app pointed at multiple times by the launch database. You don't have multiple external drives with Apps on them, do you? That can confuse Launch Services Database.
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