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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2010
I’ve got the a new refurbished 8 a couple of days ago. Things are working fine but it noticed to my irritation today that I had been logged out of Notes. I was presented with the blue button you see the first time you setup Notes. This has never happened with me during the past year of using my iPhone 7.

I noticed that all my iCloud notes were intact, but the on-the-phone note had disappeared!

It’s working fine now but I a little worried if this may happen all of a sudden again.

One factor could have bee that I have also bought a 2017 Air and set it up to work with the phone a couple of days ago. However, everything was working fine until this issue with Notes.

1- Can you guess what happened back there?

2- Is there some way I can backup notes and not just have them sync to other device over the cloud?


macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
1. Any new device where you haven’t either used the app earlier or the app got updated you might see that screen. Nothing to worry about. I see it often on my Mac using iWork.

2. No.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2010
1. Any new device where you haven’t either used the app earlier or the app got updated you might see that screen. Nothing to worry about. I see it often on my Mac using iWork.
Yes, I can understand that. But what about the fact that the note stored on my iPhone inexplicably disappeared? This is quite worrisome and has never happened before. It was a note where I had stored credit card information for ready-reference. It did have a password which I changed and had successfully opened that note afterwards. But that is no reason for it to just disappear, is it?
Are you saying that iWork files saved on your computer regularly disappear after you see the new install screen?
The only way in which I can get a backup of data saved is by hitting print and saving these files as PDFs. I guess I'll have to think seriously about doing this. I do feel nervous about storing things on the cloud.

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
Yes, I can understand that. But what about the fact that the note stored on my iPhone inexplicably disappeared? This is quite worrisome and has never happened before. It was a note where I had stored credit card information for ready-reference. It did have a password which I changed and had successfully opened that note afterwards. But that is no reason for it to just disappear, is it?
Are you saying that iWork files saved on your computer regularly disappear after you see the new install screen?

No, I’m saying you do get the splash screen when launching the app from time to time. The disappearance of your notes could be a temporary iCloud syncing glitch. Again, all of that is stored on iCloud, so nothing to worry.

The only way in which I can get a backup of data saved is by hitting print and saving these files as PDFs. I guess I'll have to think seriously about doing this. I do feel nervous about storing things on the cloud.

As long as you’re always around some type of internet connection I feel cloud storage is pretty reliable in the modern times.

now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
I've lost a few notes before.
It has to do with not closing it first (saving it) by hitting "Done" before switching to another app to do stuff. Don't do that.

I was a stalwart holdout of not storing anything in iCloud out of paranoia I guess. But storing documents (notes, PDFs etc) only locally on your iPhone is just asking for a disaster to happen one day.
iOS sucks in such a royal way in that documents are stored locally in each app "container". If something goes wrong with the app, all documents are lost forever.

And since iOS doesn't have a feature like TimeMachine on the Mac, if you have to restore from s backup, you have to wipe the entire phone and start all over again. Horrible option to recover a lost document.

If you store your notes encrypted, nobody, including the FBI. NSA, or Apple can read them if they are stored on iCloud (if you've got a good password).


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2010
As long as you’re always around some type of internet connection I feel cloud storage is pretty reliable in the modern times.
Sure, but like I said, the note that disappeared was on my phone, and not the cloud. That's what I find puzzling and a little worrying. I don't want to be in a situation where my important stuff on Notes is disappearing randomly, without anyone to help out!
It has to do with not closing it first (saving it) by hitting "Done" before switching to another app to do stuff. Don't do that.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Well, let me see. I definitely press "Done" the first time I create a note. But when I subsequently make changes I just swipe back to the higher level. And it has so far worked fine.
In any case, why should it even make a difference? The OS is treating all these edits as permanent. In any case, why would the entire note saved on my phone just disappear into thin air?
If you store your notes encrypted, nobody, including the FBI. NSA, or Apple can read them if they are stored on iCloud (if you've got a good password).
I see your point, and I do already store all my notes on iCloud because it syncs so well with Notes on my laptop. This one note contained credit card and ID info for ready reference. That's why I stored it with a password and not on the cloud.

Also, I am quite wary of the cloud, I have to say. It's supposed to be secure but then as you point out it all depends on your password.

Just the other day I discovered that TFA (not verification) can lock you out of your device permanently, should you lose the recovery key. Once that happens, there's be no one to help you. I just want to make sure I don't get caught up in following all the securities measures Apple and ilk tell you about.
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