I see that thank you... you could’ve just answered on one, but I’m just hoping the sooner I get an answer the better. I want to make sure my Logic library isn’t corrupt. See the thing is I can load a plug-in, but I can’t load the instrument patch. Only patches that load up are E-Piano patches. EXS24 instrument patches instantly crash the entire app on this beta.how many places are you gonna post the same question? i've already responded to you on TWO other threads...
yeah, sorry. just answered on one thread, then answered on another... and then realized it was the same person. then found this thread. anyway, will post on this one once PB2 is out (my first version of 10.13 on my music mac...)
confusing, isn't it? i've cloned my mac (carbon copy cloner), so i can always go back. i may still try high sierra on my logic machine... but after i finish my current project. i'll def report back on this thread at that time.
Why do you people install betas on your primary machines and then complain that something is not working? Of course it's not because it's a BETA! If you want to complain, you better do so to bugreport.apple.com
Why do you people install betas on your primary machines and then complain that something is not working? Of course it's not because it's a BETA! If you want to complain, you better do so to bugreport.apple.com
Ok, Logic 10.3.2 is working really well in the latest PB3, really happy about this! My High Sierra machine is not my daily driver, I have 10.12.6 on my work Mac anyway.
you could open new project, but you can't "save" the project as the filename you want. the "filename" field is dimmed, it doesn't allow any input. All you can do is click "save", let the file save in the filename "project", and rename it in finder.
pb4, LX 10.3.2, and... the 'save as' window is... non-existent. nothing to see here folks! so you can only save as or bounce whatever the logic file is named (of course, easy to change the file name in the finder after the fact). some minor graphic glitch in the bounce 'measures' window. so far, functioning really well otherwise...
you can bounce, and 'save as'... again, it just uses the logic file name. then i can rename in the Finder.