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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 3, 2020
I recently purchased NI Butch Vig Drums

Butch Vig Drums are not mapped to GM and there is no option for such

I like using Logic Pro's Drummer to get a drum track I can then edit

However, when I convert the Drummer track to MIDI and drag it to a track with Butch Vig Drums, the keys of the Logic Pro Drummer do not match the keys from Butch Vig Drums (also, different keys are assigned to different drums in each of the kits in Butch Vig Drums)

So, what I am looking to do is to somehow ensure that the MIDI region created by Logic Pro Drummer will correspond to the proper drum kit keys in Butch Vig Drums?

Am I doomed to having to do this manually by editing the MIDI notes in the Butch Vig region for every track I want to create from Logic Pro Drummer?

Thank you for any help
I think you'll have to figure out how to use the LP "Scripter" MIDI plugin (set to "Drum Kit Designer Remapper") sort of in reverse.

It has been a while since I've tried anything like this but I'll mention is that often virtual drummer plugins not only are mapped differently but the actual sounds of one may not even exist on the other. For example, one may have 10 keys that trigger a variety of snare hits and another may only have 2.

So, even if you get the midi mapped from one to the other something might be missing and cause frustration.
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I think you'll have to figure out how to use the LP "Scripter" MIDI plugin (set to "Drum Kit Designer Remapper") sort of in reverse.

It has been a while since I've tried anything like this but I'll mention is that often virtual drummer plugins not only are mapped differently but the actual sounds of one may not even exist on the other. For example, one may have 10 keys that trigger a variety of snare hits and another may only have 2.

So, even if you get the midi mapped from one to the other something might be missing and cause frustration.

Yeah I have noticed that as well - the Butch Vig Drums has only 16 possible hits per kit whereas Logic Drummer - depending on the drummer and kit assigned can have well over 20

This might be an impossible task
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