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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 11, 2016
Samsung have always played second fiddle to Apple and I've had no reason to ever consider one, but Apple is falling so far behind in the last 6 months that I've effectively been forced to get a samsung. I just wanted to let you know that so far its blown my mind how good the S7 Edge is compared to the iPhone 6. Samsung have copied all the best UI elements from apple and filled the gaps in Apples shortcoming. Only weakness for me is the fingerprint is abit sketchy and the back button can get brushed. Seriously guys get that new phone feeling again. maybe ill see apple in 24 months maybe not.


macrumors 6502
Jan 1, 2016
Samsung have always played second fiddle to Apple and I've had no reason to ever consider one, but Apple is falling so far behind in the last 6 months that I've effectively been forced to get a samsung. I just wanted to let you know that so far its blown my mind how good the S7 Edge is compared to the iPhone 6. Samsung have copied all the best UI elements from apple and filled the gaps in Apples shortcoming. Only weakness for me is the fingerprint is abit sketchy and the back button can get brushed. Seriously guys get that new phone feeling again. maybe ill see apple in 24 months maybe not.

Glad to hear you are enjoying your new device, how long have you had it for?

I was with Apple up until the 5s (I was in the Apple eco-system) but switched back to Windows (the Surface appealed to me, plus works software was Windows based).

I got the Big Lumia which was a solid device but ever since big Looms WP have lagged to the point I am now going to change eco-systems if a Surface is not up to par or released this year.

Everything points to the Note 7 + Gear 3 but as I trust Apple more on issues like privacy (I appreciate the NSA irony of that statement), if they nail this new smart watch I could see myself coming back, particularly as most people I'm in contact with use Imessage and I've got all my old app/music/book/film purchases on their.

I've heard when it comes to customer service Samsung still not as slick as Apple.

Would be interesting to know what moving to Android you 'lost out on' are there any key features that might temp you to switch back?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 11, 2016
What features does Apple lack.
edge to edge glass thus reducing the footprint of a big phone. Steady Cam for shooting my kids. Industry leading camera. A slightly more relaxed app ecosystem. if i want a snes emulator ill have a sense emulator thanks apple.
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Loco Emperor

macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2016
I'd give it a look but it is android so pass.

I'll still enjoy new hardware without needing to move back to or conform to android by simply getting the ip7.

Glad you like your phone though.
edge to edge glass thus reducing the footprint of a big phone. Steady Cam for shooting my kids. Industry leading camera. A slightly more relaxed app ecosystem. if i want a snes emulator ill have a sense emulator thanks apple.
First isn't a feature so much as hardware preference.

Second you haven't even seen the camera.

Third see second

Fourth I'll pass. Lord knows i don't want a play store mentality.

Fifth sounds like piracy.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 11, 2016
I'd give it a look but it is android so pass.

I'll still enjoy new hardware without needing to move back to or conform to android by simply getting the ip7.

Glad you like your phone though.
I was like you, but the google play store is now a carbon copy of apples. Ive always lived in fear of bloat wear and android virus wear but so far so good and if i stay away from any dubious software i should be good.

Loco Emperor

macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2016
I was like you, but the google play store is now a carbon copy of apples. Ive always lived in fear of bloat wear and android virus wear but so far so good and if i stay away from any dubious software i should be good.
Lol I used android seven years. I like knowing my phone is going to be updated and I like the fact I have to spend less time baby sitting my phone.

And the play store isn't a carbon copy of App Store. It's layout sucks imo


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 11, 2016
Glad to hear you are enjoying your new device, how long have you had it for?

I was with Apple up until the 5s (I was in the Apple eco-system) but switched back to Windows (the Surface appealed to me, plus works software was Windows based).

I got the Big Lumia which was a solid device but ever since big Looms WP have lagged to the point I am now going to change eco-systems if a Surface is not up to par or released this year.

Everything points to the Note 7 + Gear 3 but as I trust Apple more on issues like privacy (I appreciate the NSA irony of that statement), if they nail this new smart watch I could see myself coming back, particularly as most people I'm in contact with use Imessage and I've got all my old app/music/book/film purchases on their.

I've heard when it comes to customer service Samsung still not as slick as Apple.

Would be interesting to know what moving to Android you 'lost out on' are there any key features that might temp you to switch back?
So far there is nothing I'm missing, the new google duo fills the FaceTime gap, I swap around music providers so thats not an issue. To be honest I've matched all the Apps on the S7 to my old iPhone and it feels very similar in UI but bit more flexible. Lack of innovation from Apple watch was the nail in the coffin. Hopefully the gear S3 will be what i want and then apple will effectively be 12 months behind.

Loco Emperor

macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2016
My nexus from earlier this year says otherwise lol.

Android has this perpetual beta feel. Sure it has specs but he software feels like a work in progress.

Google duo is just released and definitely is not going to replace FaceTime nor will Allo replace iMessage anytime soon. Simple the features are built in without needing to go through any extra work


macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2013
The Netherlands
It's kind of irritating the next iPhone is (probably) going to be not that different from the iPhone 6 when Samsung is miles ahead with the new Note 7. I mean, just look at this comparison when keeping in mind the iPhone 6S Plus is 5.5" and the Note 7 is 5.7":

Schermafbeelding 2016-08-19 om 12.48.49.png

The Verge Note 7 Review

Many of the big rumors for the 2017 iPhone are already present in the Note 7, S7 Edge, S6 Edge and maybe some older models I don't know about (their curved screen prototype dates back to 2013). Edge screen seemed stupid at the time, but now you have a big screen on a smaller phone and it looks terrific.

So yeah, Samsung stumbled upon a way of making the best smartphone so far (hardware at least). Good for them.

For me, this doesn't even come close to thinking about switching platforms.

I use the iPhone 6 Plus and I'm waiting on the new high-end MacBook Pro while using a Retina MacBook. Apple does more than just smartphone hardware, the fact that they're developing awesome mobile and desktop software along with a great line of Macs (and iPads, Watch, TV) make for a great company to be loyal to. It works together seamlessly and I wouldn't want to miss out on that.

Sure, currently it's not that exciting for us spoiled Apple fans to look at, but the fact that all new hardware has been delayed so much kind of gives me hope on their next generation of products and the bigger leap they're going to make.

In the end it's just a phone and current iPhones offer a great experience compared to whatever we had five years ago. It's not that big a deal.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 11, 2016
It's kind of irritating the next iPhone is (probably) going to be not that different from the iPhone 6 when Samsung is miles ahead with the new Note 7. I mean, just look at this comparison when keeping in mind the iPhone 6S Plus is 5.5" and the Note 7 is 5.7":

View attachment 645596
The Verge Note 7 Review

Many of the big rumors for the 2017 iPhone are already present in the Note 7, S7 Edge, S6 Edge and maybe some older models I don't know about (their curved screen prototype dates back to 2013). Edge screen seemed stupid at the time, but now you have a big screen on a smaller phone and it looks terrific.

So yeah, Samsung stumbled upon a way of making the best smartphone so far (hardware at least). Good for them.

For me, this doesn't even come close to thinking about switching platforms.

I use the iPhone 6 Plus and I'm waiting on the new high-end MacBook Pro while using a Retina MacBook. Apple does more than just smartphone hardware, the fact that they're developing awesome mobile and desktop software along with a great line of Macs (and iPads, Watch, TV) make for a great company to be loyal to. It works together seamlessly and I wouldn't want to miss out on that.

Sure, currently it's not that exciting for us spoiled Apple fans to look at, but the fact that all new hardware has been delayed so much kind of gives me hope on their next generation of products and the bigger leap they're going to make.

In the end it's just a phone and current iPhones offer a great experience compared to whatever we had five years ago. It's not that big a deal.
Absolutely....but if you want that new phone feeling 13 months early. The S7 edge and Note S7 are absolutely fantastic options. No negatives from this long time Apple fan and Android avoider.

Now let me get started on the current state of GPUs in iMacs.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 30, 2008
First please don't call yourself a fanboy. It puts you in a box with a big label and you don't want that.

First enjoy your new toy. It's a great device and android just works great on it.

Second - Move over to non apple services asap. I find them better, nicer UI and UX and more importanly, they allow you either have mixed devices or switch back and forth.

I'm typing this on my trusty ipad, but my phone is an S7 and my laptop is a Dell XPS13 and everything syncs across all devices - Its great and it makes any device available to you. If you get stuck in apple only services you immediately limit your options , and in my opinion get inferior apps.

Good luck and enjoy.

Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
Wirless charging and/or fast charing, edge to edge, water proofing, improved camera, SD slot.

I love my iPhone SE, but lets be clear, Apple has been behind Samsung for a few years now. Instead of getting new features, we got a a thinner phone.

We have sacrificed too much for Apple's obsession with thin!

SD slot? We can all stop waiting for that for sure!:)
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 11, 2016
Im just a fan of Good clean Tech which up until now has only been Apple, and its nice to see the other platforms catch up and and in a lot of ways surpass them. Ultimately it should benefit all of us.


macrumors demi-god
Apr 30, 2015
Maastricht, The Netherlands
I really don't understand the purpose of these posts. Does it make you feel better posting this in an Apple oriented forum? Are you looking for validation that you made the right choice? Do you feel the need to feel superior to the people that do buy/have an iPhone? I just really don't get it. It's like I'm switching shampoo brands and I'm gonna tell the world that I did.
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macrumors 68030
Jan 30, 2008
2016 is the year that Android has clearly taken over Apple.

Obviously iOS still has some great features and the apps are beautilfully polished, but hardware the iPhone is probably a couple of years behind Samsung. Android Marshmallow is excellent and Nougat will be even better. The Play Store gets better every few months.

There are still a few things that Apple/iOS does better, but at this stage, it's not even a close contest anymore. Crikey, look at the Note 7. It's streets ahead.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 11, 2016
I really don't understand the purpose of these posts. Does it make you feel better posting this in an Apple oriented forum? Are you looking for validation that you made the right choice? Do you feel the need to feel superior to the people that do buy/have an iPhone? I just really don't get it. It's like I'm switching shampoo brands and I'm gonna tell the world that I did.
Just letti
I really don't understand the purpose of these posts. Does it make you feel better posting this in an Apple oriented forum? Are you looking for validation that you made the right choice? Do you feel the need to feel superior to the people that do buy/have an iPhone? I just really don't get it. It's like I'm switching shampoo brands and I'm gonna tell the world that I did.
Its more about me venting my frustration at where I think apple should be Vs where Apple actually is. 12 Months behind and its frustrating but i understand why as Apple has to dot the I's and cross the T's but thankfully there is now a viable alternative.
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