I am looking for a good quality third party metal strap for my Apple Watch. It can be Milanese loop or a good metal chain (not too heavy). For now I am using cheap replicas that sheds color and is prone to damage.
The one provided by apple is too expensiveWhy not buy OEM? Then you're guaranteed quality.
There's several on eBay under the $45 mark, but they'll often pop up on resell for $20 or so. I just watched a gold one sell for $15, and I personally have a graphite Milanese listed somewhere for $29.
Again... eBay. $20. You don't have to buy it for $99. I almost never buy bands at full retail.The one provided by apple is too expensive
I can vouch for this company and their bands. Solid metal, easy to make it fit your sized wrist by taking pins out, and good quality (I’ve banged mine around and no scratches or damage shown).This metal strap on Amazon looks good.
NewWays Link Bracelet Compatible with Apple Watch Band
NewWays Link Bracelet Compatible with Apple Watch Bandamzn.to