Can one note be set up to have like new pages with the same fields on it?
Like bills I pay each moonth, so I each month gets a page?
Yes. While OneNote can be used as a quick-and-simple note-taking app, it is possible to set it up with formatted note sections or "pages" that contain tables (if you want to do it that way).
See the screenshot of the Mac version of OneNote in the "Home" tab. This note has an embedded table showing some new features. You could easily do your bill-paying setup as a table in one page, or you could devote a "section" to this with each "page" representing one of your bills. Or maybe each page representing a month's worth of bills. Several ways to do this.
You can think of OneNote as a cross between Excel and Word, but simpler, and set up for easy creation of many "notes" (or sections, or pages, or whatever you want to call them). There are many ways to use it and set it up.
You could even do what you want in Notability, but the organizational tools are simpler and less extensive. Notability presents you with something closer to a blank page, with fewer "tools" showing. You can embed objects and set up an organizational hierarchy, but the tools are not staring you in the face.