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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
So I'm looking to replace the battery on my mid-2012 15" non-retina. Every review I've read is hit or miss in terms of a good battery brand. I found a Temark on amazon but even the reviews for that seem like it could be a crapshoot. I'm worried that I'll get a battery and it will wear out in a few months to a year. I've already had that happen with a cheapo battery for my 13". Any consensus on a good brand to get? Thanks!
So I'm looking to replace the battery on my mid-2012 15" non-retina. Every review I've read is hit or miss in terms of a good battery brand. I found a Temark on amazon but even the reviews for that seem like it could be a crapshoot. I'm worried that I'll get a battery and it will wear out in a few months to a year. I've already had that happen with a cheapo battery for my 13". Any consensus on a good brand to get? Thanks!
try a bit pricey but at least comes with 1yr warranty, stay away from eBay resellers got burn 2x supposedly 2012 brand new genuine Apple battery.
I've seen reports right here on macrumors about "not so good" batteries from ifixit (I have no direct personal experience).

As you understand... "it's a crapshoot".

Don't go with "the cheapest".
But "buying expensive" may get you a lemon, anyway. You just don't know.
I've read at least one report where someone went to ebay and bought an Apple-original battery pulled from a MBP with a low number of charges, and it seemed to be working fine.
OWC might be worth a try.

Other than that... "it's a crapshoot".
Thanks all. I just saw the OWC battery thread, I searched but didn't see it before, reading now. Yeah, the cheapo for my 13" worked normally for like a month now it goes to 7% within 5 minutes, don't want to get burned again
Two things I don't skimp are chargers and batteries. We all have heard of enough stories that some cheap aftermarket batteries swell and explode. The same goes for chargers. I only buy Apple original, directly from Apple. Going the original route buys you a piece of mind that your house won't randomly catch fire. If your laptop explodes, you can bring it to Apple.
Apple only charges $129 for a new battery for your laptop, which is fairly reasonable for a quality battery. ifixit replacement is almost $100. I would not even look for eBay or amazon batteries, so given the situation, it seems no brainer to go with Apple. Hopefully this helps! Good luck.
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Agree with mlody.
IF an Apple-original battery is still available, THAT'S the one to use!
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