I decline to provide any guidance concerning your security questions. That is up for you to assess to your satisfaction.
If you are truly serious about security and not some poseur dilettante, DO YOUR OWN DUE DILIGENCE rather than ask some random Internet stranger on an anonymous Q&A forum like MacRumors.
You claim to be a security expert and yet here you are asking a stranger about a common tool.
Let's see...
1.) I am more secure than 90% of the people out there because I don't use all of this Google/Facebook/social media/toy **** that everyone else is a slave to...
2.) Because I have never used Facebook/Instabram/TikTok/Zoom/etc/etc, it means I am not overly familiar with such gizmos. It also means I have way more privacy and security - see #1.
3.) Anyone who works in IT security will tell you that no one knows everything, and the smart person is *constantly* asking others for advice.
4.) Your comments/implications are a SLAM to a a lot of SUPER SMART people who dole out free, yet very good, advice here on MacRumors. I asked my questions here, because I almost always get good advice on MacRumors and a new way to look at things.
5.) The fact that you are trying to fit privacy and security onto a pin head says to me that maybe it's you that could learn a thing or two? I know an enormous amount about privacy and security in the areas where I know an enormous amount about privacy and security, and in the other areas I start off by asking others to figure out where to go next.
No need to be so dramatic or insulting...
For what it's worth at my old corporate job, the IT department said that Skype was approved for use business use. We were using Skype to connect to other corporate users whose respective IT departments allowed the tool as well.
As I said earlier, I *love* Skype from a functional standpoint, and live off of it as a remote IT contractor. But then I don't give a flip about my clients computer or data - in the context of THEM making a mistake and getting burned.
I do give a flip about protecting my computer and my data and myself and the people with whom I am researching a way to still meet in light of coronavirus.
Solutions by any large, for-profit company always make me suspicious, although there probably aren't any decent free/open-source choices in this realm, i.e. no Apache/Firefox/LibreOffice for Tele/Video-Conferencing. (How cool would that be?!)
And there is no harm in getting feedback from MacRumors - it is on the a preliminary step.
That's probably not enough for you but you have certainly displayed your level of competence in the past regarding your ability to properly think things through and proceed in a rational, deliberate manner.
Wow, I just got upgrade from "poseur dilettante" to "mortal"!!!
(Never heard that term before, so see, I just gained some knowledge by coming to (the sometimes wolves) at MacRumors!!)
One thing for sure, if you are a security expert when you talk the talk, you must walk the walk. There is no "fake it until you make it."
As stated before, I do consider myself an expert in my area or knowledge and experience. However, I would NOT hire me to: configure your firewalls, set up a secure network, solve a cryptographic problem for you, or secure Windows.
Does that mean I don't know anything about security? Of course not.
Why is it that I belong to a security group, and all of those people make a living in formal security roles, and I don't, yet I watch people all day long... Emailing passwords, exposing where they live, posting wild ass stuff on social media, and of course EVERYONE has a Gmail and Facebook account.
In closing, one of the main reasons I am so smart is that I always surround myself by people who are smarter, more talented, and have more epxerience than I do ===> enter a lot of people here at MacRumors!!!