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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 24, 2014
I sometimes use my iPad Air 2 connected to the TV via the HDMI adapter, but I'd also like to keep it in an upright position when it is connected.

For my old iPad 2, I used Apple's own iPad Dock which had a 30-pin out port, which I could then plug the 30pin HDMI adapter into directly, which also meant I could attach a power supply too, giving me 3-in-1: Power, Upright, and HDMI.

I'm looking for the same thing for my iPad Air 2, but so far all of the docks I've seen only have MicroUSB-In and no Lightning-In with which I could attach the HDMI adapter.

Apple doesn't seem to be making their own first-party iPad docks either. I really like the look of the Belkin dock, but without the ability to plug the HDMI adapter in it's useless to me.

Does such a product exist? I've tried searching online for various terms "\"ipad air 2\" dock lightning-in" and "\"ipad air 2\" dock hdmi" without success.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 24, 2014
Think you'll have more luck going with a dock that relies on the original lightning cable, and then getting an extension cable


Perfect (well, it's a hack) but this looks like it would fit the bill perfectly. But I'm surprised by the cost, the HiRise Deluxe Dock is so expensive :S

I'll add this to my shopping-list :)


macrumors 6502
Jan 17, 2013
The dock is just an example - many docks use the original lightning cable. Unfortunately it seems that you need a nobrand extension cable to get one that is the same shape as the original cable, as the brand name extension cables I found have a different shape connector and likely wouldn't fit. You may want to get the cable first too and check the thickness, maybe see if you can try the idea out in a store.
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