All the existing tripod mounts I’ve seen are cheap plastic. Sufficiently sturdy, but a pain to adjust, say, the angle.
I’m looking for a tripod mount that has a pro level fit and finish. ideally, it would have some sort of quick release mechanism, a sturdy ball head with a bomber handle for adjusting the tilt. Something along the lines of a prosumer video camera tripod, with smooth motion panning. That level of functionality and sturdiness, but for an iPad.
Surely there is something out there but all I can find are the $20 cheapos on the website named after a River in South America.
I’m looking for a tripod mount that has a pro level fit and finish. ideally, it would have some sort of quick release mechanism, a sturdy ball head with a bomber handle for adjusting the tilt. Something along the lines of a prosumer video camera tripod, with smooth motion panning. That level of functionality and sturdiness, but for an iPad.
Surely there is something out there but all I can find are the $20 cheapos on the website named after a River in South America.