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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 20, 2018
need a couple extra USB C chargers, can you off brand or is Apple recommended.
And Also, I have a 29 W charger using Lightning to USB C. Will it work just with just USB C-USB C?
I'm hoping a cable is a cable when it comes to USB-C to USB-C and FAST charging (I assume it'd charge slowly no matter what). That was NOT the case with USB-C to Lightning cables. In order to get fast charging you pretty much had to use Apple's version as back when I looked there were no mFi certified USB-C to lightning cables, and a couple of games I was playing would outdraw and discharge faster than they could charge if I were playing even while plugged in. With Apple's cable and power adapter, I could actually charge the iPad while playing.

I'm hoping that whatever was required for fast charging in lightning was something special Apple was doing with its connector, but not USB-C is hopefully just USB-C.

Edit: I actually didn't see very many USB-c to USB-C cables that were over 2 meters out there anyway, but didn't look too hard. Thought it was odd Apple was pushing Belkin's cable on the suggested accessories page when they do offer a 2 meter USB-C to USB-C cable.
This is all quickly becoming a nightmare for me. I spent most of today researching usb c cables on Amazon and I’m just lost now. I found some great looking Anker braided cables that were 6ft long. But then I dug into the reviews and noticed that they’re classified as a “2.0” and not “3.1”. I don’t know exactly what that means but apparently 3.1 is faster and more powerful, and hopefully more futureproof if I ever want to use it with a MacBook Pro too.

I then looked at what Apple offers, and their own cables are very poorly rated by customers for slow transfer speeds (again, the 2.0 thing), and for being fragile/unreliable.

So to sum this up, there are some differences out there and it’s not as easy to find an ideal cable as I thought it would be. Anyone have advice? Thanks!
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