My iPad is probably my most used device when I'm at home. My iPhone goes on my wireless charger when I get home and I usually don't touch it again until I leave.
I'm sort of like that too. My mini 4 is probably the most used after my laptop when I'm home and also usually take the mini along with my phone when traveling for even a few days. I upgraded my phone from SE to XR and although I love the sunny yellow color and certainly appreciate the chip bump and the larger real estate for reading wire service news or books on the fly, I still prefer the mini size iPad for those and I'm still nursing a bit of a grudge about there not being a smaller form factor like the SE in the current iPhone lineup, and I long for a mini sized iPad Pro too: the iPad mini 4 starts to feel slow even though I had held onto a 2 waiting for a 5 for so long and still counting.... finally caved in and got a refurb 4 during the fall because once in awhile it occurred to me that Apple might just axe that line without one last refresh, and I'd have been stuck with a rapidly EOL'd mini 2 when it's my favorite iPad size.
I'm sure that my having got the 4 at this late date will nudge Apple finally to shove a 5 into production now that my gear budgets are shot for at least a couple years.
The bigger iPad Pro I love --I have the 10.5" one -- especially for reading certain magazines, making modifications to quilt block designs, and watching TV/movies but still tend to do the latter on a laptop. I have to say that reading The New Yorker or The Economist on a large iPad or an iPad Pro is a great experience.
In my arsenal of mobile gear an iPhone is supposed to be primarily just "a phone with benefits". I feel weird holding the XR up to make or take a phone call, not quite like that funny meme with the guy holding a laptop up to the side of his head, but close to it! I can't one-hand the XR the way I did with the SE either, and I keep reaching into the wrong compartment of my handbag for the phone now....
I'll get over the silly grudges I guess, but I had to put the SE away for awhile to make myself stop wanting to either get another phone line (absurd!) so I could still use it, or else just reactivate the SE and use the XR as a WiFi only device (truly absurd!).
Not having the SE in sight for a little while made me calm down some... enough so I didn't return the XR and go back to the SE, which really would have been nuts since the SE can run iOS 12 ok but that's probably at or a tad past its sweet spot, and it will be downhill or stuck on 12 after that.
Can't get too far behind the hardware path forward, I learned that when I was trying to hang onto G4 powerbooks while MacBooks were out and about for a few years already. Finally checked out a nephew's black Macbook and realized I was way behind the curve. Now I don't wait so long, and especially with iPhones.