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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Dec 2, 2012
Victorville CA
How is this done? I'd like to use a small icon for my LTE string on the status bar.

Wouldn't mind some pointers.

How is this done? I'd like to use a small icon for my LTE string on the status bar.

Wouldn't mind some pointers.


Create your icon and make two copies. Name the first one 'Black_DataTypeLTE@2x.png' and the second one 'LockScreen_DataTypeLTE@2x.png'.

(If not already existing) Inside your XXXX.theme folder create a new folder 'Folders' and inside this one 'UIKit.framework'. Paste both icons in the latter one and re-apply your theme in WinterBoard.
Create your icon and make two copies. Name the first one Black_DataTypeLTE@2x.png and the second one LockScreen_DataTypeLTE@2x.png

(If not already existing) Inside your XXXX.theme folder cretae a new folder 'Folders' and inside this one 'UIKit.framework'. Paste both icons in the latter one and re-apply your theme in WinterBoard.

Good stuff. Thank you very much.


Create your icon and make two copies. Name the first one 'Black_DataTypeLTE@2x.png' and the second one 'LockScreen_DataTypeLTE@2x.png'.

(If not already existing) Inside your XXXX.theme folder create a new folder 'Folders' and inside this one 'UIKit.framework'. Paste both icons in the latter one and re-apply your theme in WinterBoard.

Would I need a white version as well?
No. Since iOS 7 it appears only a black icon on transparent canvas is needed. Somehow the system itself creates the white one when on dark background.

Oh cool. Thanks for the help.


Create your icon and make two copies. Name the first one 'Black_DataTypeLTE@2x.png' and the second one 'LockScreen_DataTypeLTE@2x.png'.

(If not already existing) Inside your XXXX.theme folder create a new folder 'Folders' and inside this one 'UIKit.framework'. Paste both icons in the latter one and re-apply your theme in WinterBoard.

Where are these images located?

Are they here?
Oh cool. Thanks for the help.


Where are these images located?

Are they here? Image

You won't find them in that folder. I don't know where the basic images are located (or generated from) but the ones used by the system are cached in var/mobile/Library/Caches/
AFAIK there's no way to directly replace these images in a folder. The only way to theme signal/wifi/data icons is through WinterBoard.
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