Create your icon and make two copies. Name the first one 'Black_DataTypeLTE@2x.png' and the second one 'LockScreen_DataTypeLTE@2x.png'.
(If not already existing) Inside your XXXX.theme folder create a new folder 'Folders' and inside this one 'UIKit.framework'. Paste both icons in the latter one and re-apply your theme in WinterBoard.
(If not already existing) Inside your XXXX.theme folder cretae a new folder 'Folders' and inside this one 'UIKit.framework'. Paste both icons in the latter one and re-apply your theme in WinterBoard.
Create your icon and make two copies. Name the first one 'Black_DataTypeLTE@2x.png' and the second one 'LockScreen_DataTypeLTE@2x.png'.
(If not already existing) Inside your XXXX.theme folder create a new folder 'Folders' and inside this one 'UIKit.framework'. Paste both icons in the latter one and re-apply your theme in WinterBoard.
Create your icon and make two copies. Name the first one 'Black_DataTypeLTE@2x.png' and the second one 'LockScreen_DataTypeLTE@2x.png'.
(If not already existing) Inside your XXXX.theme folder create a new folder 'Folders' and inside this one 'UIKit.framework'. Paste both icons in the latter one and re-apply your theme in WinterBoard.
You won't find them in that folder. I don't know where the basic images are located (or generated from) but the ones used by the system are cached in var/mobile/Library/Caches/
AFAIK there's no way to directly replace these images in a folder. The only way to theme signal/wifi/data icons is through WinterBoard.