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Next on the list, actually getting the News app. Maybe in 2019 we'll finally get it after it's gone through 4 redesigns and is a marquee feature outlined in the WWDC keynote year after year. (2/2 so far. 50% there)
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Seems that I will still need to add lyrics manually as Japan would take a long time to adapt AM lyrics.
Lyrics has been inconsistent for me. A good chunk of my songs in iTunes have them, but they only seem to show up in about 2% of them. I've been too lazy to remove them and re-add them to my devices to see if that helps.

EDIT: Yup, that did it.

EDIT: Gone again 2 days later with no syncing. Feedback submitted.
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Is the lyrics feature work for the songs that's on the cloud? (Itunes match) Or with apple musoc service for 9,99$ a month?
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