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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 12, 2013
Is anybody having HomePod Airplay issues through Apple Music with their M1?

It'll show as connected through AM, I'll hit play, then it becomes greyed out with an exclamation mark. I only experience this with my M1, not with my iPhone X.

It happens spontaneously.
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Happens with mine as well. On Monterey beta though but it also happened before upgrading as well. I usually end up using AirPlay from my phone or iPad to my HomePod Minis.
Same problem on my macbook air M1, with airplay on an airport express. When I reboot it works. But after a wake from standby it does the greyed out exclamation mark thing.
I'm now on Beta 21A5294g and I can once again check the AirPlay box in Music and play from my M1 iMac to my HomePod mini stereo set up on my desk....
Glad it's not just me.

I wonder if it's an M1 issue as I'm on Big Sur..
I posted about this a few weeks ago, but it didn't get much traction. Yes, I have the problem on two M1 iMacs. I have 4 HPs and 1 HP Mini and all work fine Airplaying from my iPhone or iPads and all worked fine with my former iMac 27. The M1 iMac works as expected from a fresh boot but about 90% of the time after waking from sleep, the Airplay icon is grayed out and the only way to fix it is to reboot. I contacted support and got to a senior tech. He downloaded the logs and sent to engineering. After a week he got back to me but didn't have a solution. It's very frustrating because I typically listen to music when working at home and the iMac is quite enjoyable otherwise.
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I posted about this a few weeks ago, but it didn't get much traction. Yes, I have the problem on two M1 iMacs. I have 4 HPs and 1 HP Mini and all work fine Airplaying from my iPhone or iPads and all worked fine with my former iMac 27. The M1 iMac works as expected from a fresh boot but about 90% of the time after waking from sleep, the Airplay icon is grayed out and the only way to fix it is to reboot. I contacted support and got to a senior tech. He downloaded the logs and sent to engineering. After a week he got back to me but didn't have a solution. It's very frustrating because I typically listen to music when working at home and the iMac is quite enjoyable otherwise.
Thanks for sharing your experience. It happened from time to time in June, but since July, it consistently happens everyday. Incredibly frustrating!

Please keep us posted if you or a technician find a solution.
I answered a similar question with a workaround on another forum:

I hope it helps people here.
Two other options:

1. If you're not in the middle of something, just reboot.
2. If you don't want to reboot or mess with Terminal commands, A) Close Music; B) Open Activity Monitor; C) Click on AirPlayXPCHelper to open it; D) Click Quit; E) Reopen Music.

All of these work, albeit they are inconvenient workarounds. This problem started with Big Sur and carried over to Monterey with M1s. I hope Apple will fix it with an update since it's clearly an issue with AirPlayXPCHelper.
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I answered a similar question with a workaround on another forum:

I hope it helps people here.
Thank you for posting this – I knew there had to be a scripty way to execute the AirPlayXPCHelper workaround (I can't believe we're still having to do this!). It's now few enough steps that I don't mind letting my M1 iMac sleep overnight. Since Monterey, I've found that if I let the sleep/wake/AirPlay issue actually happen (to the point where the exclamation point appears), the problem now also sends the coreaudiod process into the stratosphere and that process must be killed, too, otherwise the whole system is pretty much useless. But if I wake the system and run your fix-airplay.command before re-launching music, I'm good.

I actually sandwiched your command between a quit app Music and a launch app Music so all the workaround steps happen in one swoop (well, with a touchID authentication in the middle of it).
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