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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 30, 2020
Purchased new M1 Mac Mini in the following config 16 Gb ram + 1 Tb SSD waited four weeks to receive this also involved trading in my 13” MBP. Received new Mac mini and transferred data using Migration Assistant. After two days of using new Mac Mini wiped old 13” MBP and sent it on its way to be recycled.

On the fourth day of running new M1 Mac Mini I was manually creating new folders and moving additional data onto SSD. Went to lunch came back and tried to create additional folders. At this time I found that all my permissions were gone to SSD. I could not create new folders or move data over. In Terminal mode I found my password would not work in Super User Mode. I was completely locked out of SSD.

Four calls to Apple Support all which involved being transferred to a Senior Tech (one tech actual hung up on me). No one could fix this system and ultimately was told to wipe the SSD and start over. This created another issue, I could not erase the SSD, this involves another call to Apple Support that after some trying I was able to erase drive and start download and install of Big Sur. This was halted because it failed to create an user account. Another call back to Apple Support, again transferred to a Senior Tech again failed to resolve issue. Transferred to Sales and told to return Mi Mac Mini. During this time I did lose some data I will never get back!

Also during all this my Magic Mouse would disconnect due to Bluetooth issue associated with this computer.

Returned M1 Mac Mini to local Apple Store only to find out that it would take 6+ weeks to get another M1 Mac Mini in my config (16Gb + 1 Tb SSD). Also Apple at this time cancelled my Trade In even they had received the day before. Apple cancelled my refund and will return the 13” MBP to me. Called Apple Sales again and they could not do anything to assist me in getting a new M1 Mac Mini any sooner so opted to get an Intel Version at additional cost and less delivery time (2 weeks vs 6 weeks). Also they would not transfer my returned 13” MBP and stated I had to start the entire process over again and ship it back to them after I get it back - ok so here we go what a waste of time, resources and what they claim about reducing their carbon foot print?

My thoughts on this entire process is this product is not ready for prime time, I believe there are still some bugs to work out on SW & HW and I personally do not want to go through this process again - hence purchasing an Intel Mac Mini this time.
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I also encountered the "failed to create a user account" issue when trying to restore clean my MBA. The solution was to use this guide and Erase Mac. After this, the setup goes through and when it finishes you can create a new user account. Obviously, all data will be lost.
On a wiped M1 Mac reinstalling 11.0.1 gives the personalization error. When reinstalling 11.1, you will get the user account issue.

Use this guide.
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I also encountered the "failed to create a user account" issue when trying to restore clean my MBA. The solution was to use this guide and Erase Mac. After this, the setup goes through and when it finishes you can create a new user account. Obviously, all data will be lost.
On a wiped M1 Mac reinstalling 11.0.1 gives the personalization error. When reinstalling 11.1, you will get the user account issue.

Use this guide.
doesn't matter, he returned it already lol
Apple Support is NOT as good as it used to be. But, for me this started prior to the M1 Mac release.

Of course this isn't at all helped by those of us that no longer have an Apple Store open in their vicinity. I think it was harder to "rope a dope" customers when they are actually standing in front of you vs. Chat or phone call.

I understand every issue cannot be fixed, but I sense during my recent support calls the support staff is undertrained and overwhelmed. There seems to be no way to escalate a service or replacement issue.

Maybe Apple is being overwhelmed with support calls as many of us now work from home? Other related reasons for increased support calls are the public release of Big Sur and M1 Macs (which seem to have initial bugs crawling out from under the Apple logo 🐛 Please know that I did my bit and ran Big Sur Beta through several versions, and always share my "crashes" through the automated system.

Finally, I'm surprised that Apple hasn't reserved enough stock to swiftly replace malfunctioning devices. I think it is far worse to leave a purchaser of their products (often with AppleCare) waiting rather than make a new sale.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy all of my Apple products, but the Apple slogan, "It Just Works" is getting a bit tarnished for many of us.
Apple Support is NOT as good as it used to be.

That's an understatement.

I've had experiences at the Apple store that almost felt user it was their job (perhaps it is) to do anything and everything to avoid having to replace your hardware (for cost reasons of course)

Way way way back in the early days of Apple stores (when obviously the company was WAY smaller), it was an incredible pleasure to go in for service. So much has changed that, other than the logo on the wall, it doesn't even resemble how it once was (sadly).
That's an understatement.

I've had experiences at the Apple store that almost felt user it was their job (perhaps it is) to do anything and everything to avoid having to replace your hardware (for cost reasons of course)

Way way way back in the early days of Apple stores (when obviously the company was WAY smaller), it was an incredible pleasure to go in for service. So much has changed that, other than the logo on the wall, it doesn't even resemble how it once was (sadly).
Well due to the pandemic our store has closed....and it has been a long time since I visited our local Apple Store, that is one of the smaller ones. I'm not found of the toad stool seating while waiting your turn ;)

While traveling I used to make it a point to visit the big stores in San Francisco and Boston. I loved those days!!! Heck, I'd even visit the smaller ones, again while traveling, but of course those are a bit more cookie cutter. The large ones had more character. I wish I could have visited the one in NY, NY.
With the Pandemic, a lot of sales people and those in other positions, have been moved to phone support to help lessen the load, and also so they can continue working remotely. As such, you are going to encounter people who are struggling to do the very best they can in assisting you with your problem.

At this point, if you are having M1 install / user problems etc. I have found this forum to be the best resource.
I have looked on Ebay and see people are all ready selling there M1 Mac Mini, s 😯 Not much of a saving buying one though.
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