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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 21, 2013
Hi all,

I’ve just purchased an expensive paperweight 😂

I have, arriving for Christmas, a base model M2 Mini (256/8GB). I’m currently running a late 2013 iMac i5 2.4ghz with 1.12TB Fusion and 16GB. It’s been a decent computer, and can still hold its own to an extent, but as my phones, watches etc get newer, the iMac becomes less compatible. I have Carbon Copy performing a clone daily, and all my
Media on a 4TB WD external. However, I will be moving my Photos library to an external (so I’ll be running two externals off-of the Mini), and just leaving the OS and basic files on the SSD. My Mini is just a way to store/access all of that really. Occasionally I’ll do some RAW photo editing, so I don’t need it to do any ‘heavy lifting’ as such: I’m assuming that spec M2 will handle RAW editing quicker than my iMac? Too late if not I suppose. I will be looking into the Satechi (think that’s right) hub that can house an SSD at some point in the future so I can lose the externals altogether, but that’ll come later in the year.

But, the paperweight comment is in relation to its status. I can’t afford to get a monitor, or additional keyboard/mouse yet, so I’m looking for recommendations-it’s just going to sit there until I can afford it!

I’d quite like a decent, but budget friendly monitor-I’d like to aim for a 27” if possible, and one that will look as good as my iMac. Lots of unknown (to me) brands, as well as well-known, but I’ve always had MacBooks or iMacs, so monitors is an unknown for me.

Also, recommendations for a keyboard and mouse combo? I’m not fussed about Apple models this time-but something similar in looks would be nice. Equally, on the flip side, I quite like the idea of a mechanical keyboard, but not having any experience with one, I’ve heard that they are quite noisy? My Max is in the lounge, so if I am using it, I do t want it to interfere with whatever everyone is is watching on TV.

Apologies for the lengthy post-I’m quite excited for the new Mac, just gutted I can’t get it running straight away!

Recommendations welcomed.



macrumors 603
May 30, 2018
Perhaps a neighbor has a hdmi tv in an attic you can use, cuz i have one.

My macmini m1 use both satechi bt keyboard and mouse that work perfectly.

as well as a 25” benq 2k monitor that is sharp and mac compatable.

photos is photos is photos, like cement is cement!


Sep 20, 2013
You could always get an Apple 27" 2K Thunderbolt Display.. Yes, TBD are old, but the displays look great, have built-in iSight camera, mic, speakers, 1Gbps ethernet, USB2.0, and FW800. Prices range from $250 - $400 depending on cosmetics.

.. and you will need a TB3 > TB2 adapter... compatibility w/ modern Macs is stellar. Brand new the adapter is not cheap

.. but you can find them used on eBay for $30 or less.

I use one as second display and have my wired mechanical keyboard and ethernet connected via the TBD. I use the TBD iSight camera for Zoom and Teams calls. Works great.
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