So I discovered something very odd today. I was checking some WiFi settings in my Airport Utility. I saw a couple of MAC addresses that weren’t at all familiar, so I set up blocks for them. After resetting the AirPort, I couldn’t connect to the WiFi with my own device. I ended up grabbing my sons iPod and doing some experimenting to figure out what had happened.
Basically, my iPhone XR has a new MAC address, at least that it is broadcasting, and this was one of the new MAC addresses that I had just blocked. The thing is, when I go to Settings>General>About, the original MAC address is still showing on the phone.
The other “changed” MAC address was my iPad Air 2.
I have no idea what caused this. I updated both of those to iOS 14 about a day after it was released.
I’m not using a VPN or anything like that and never have on either of these devices.
Any ideas as to what could be causing this?
Basically, my iPhone XR has a new MAC address, at least that it is broadcasting, and this was one of the new MAC addresses that I had just blocked. The thing is, when I go to Settings>General>About, the original MAC address is still showing on the phone.
The other “changed” MAC address was my iPad Air 2.
I have no idea what caused this. I updated both of those to iOS 14 about a day after it was released.
I’m not using a VPN or anything like that and never have on either of these devices.
Any ideas as to what could be causing this?