I get so tired of this. "I want something that costs $1100 for $200." What a bunch of hooey! Sure, there are lots of deals around for computers that are less expensive, refurbs, etc. But there's nothing like going into an Apple store and seeing what's possible, getting excited, or being proud that a parent had enough faith in you to get you something special.
I'm with LorenK on this one.... if someone is coding in 4th grade, they might actually be smarter than the average bear. You need to invest in them. My daughter learned Algebra in the 4th grade, everyone thought we were "pushing her" which was as far from the truth as it could be. Now she is in college studying Astrophysics, and she's a brilliant mathematician. You better believe she has had a nice computer - all her life. I had to stretch financially every time - it was hard. I also introduced her to people at the Exploratorium in SF, found people that work at NASA, she did FIRST Robotics, etc. She met a lot of smart adults. All of it made the difference between many of her peers that don't know what they want to do and a focused and successful kid. I couldn't be prouder, of course, and as a late starter myself I know many of those people who don't know what to do will ultimately find their way.
One has to believe in one's kids. That's how they succeed.